please empty your brain below

The Courtauld cannot get their story together. The poster you photographed says Sunday. Staff told a friend who tried to visit a date in December. But their own website says it reopens on this coming Friday.
I saw that group of mods on scooters yesterday at 2pm in Cricklewood, possibly heading to the Ace cafe.

They were riding slowly with big smiles & decorated parkas - that put a smile on my face as I reflected on their reputation from the 60s.
Five vintage DG musings - great way to kick off the week.
I like the idea of those festive drinks - they make me nostalgic for childhood when I could enjoy a hot chocolate topped with cream and a flake in blissful ignorance of the sugar and calorie content!
You can tell that Christmas is coming when the health watchdogs start barking about "teaspoons of sugar". It's one of the rites of the season. When I saw that this year's brand new Costa Christmas drink was a Toffee Penny Latte, all I could think was "wow, Costa, it's like you're trying to annoy the health watchdogs on purpose these days."
That Chrismas tree, it looks like the plan was to put the baubles up in a spiral pattern, then they put they put the work out to a sub-contractor.
I claim my special DG Christmas bauble for spotting the mischievous reference to Inverclyde being a city. Mind you, I had to look up Inverclyde to be absolutely sure!
A good set of musings.
I seem to be finding it harder to avoid Christmas ads on TV thins year - though I'm still blissfully ignorant of the JL one so far!
The Sunday Times review yesterday gave the refurbished/rebuilt Courtauld Gallery a big thumbs up, so looking forward to going back when the opening crowds die down
When you say a normal latte has 15g of sugar at Costa, what type of sugar are they talking about? Without any added sugar I'm guessing that would be the sugar contained within cows' milk, lactose, but the added sugar is the thing to wary of, i.e. sucrose which will make up most of the sugar in the main offending drinks you listed. I drink a lot of milk, probably too much, but I try to avoid sucrose as it has the twin evils of glucose and fructose.
Confirming that some things are very media-specific, that road sign got 300 likes on Twitter but zero comments on Blogger.
That road sign isn't much use if you want an 'other route'. And indeed it may be wrong as there are probably some 'other routes' which are straight ahead.
Sir James Miller aka Jimmy Miller was Lord Provost of Edinburgh before he became Lord Mayor of London - possibly the only person to have held both posts. Having ridden around in S0 in Edinburgh he would have known the precedent for LM0.
DG trailblazes...

Morning Live on BBC1 right now doing a piece on sugar in Xmas drinks!

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