please empty your brain below

Wow, circuit.
At one time I was a member of the Friends of the State Grays, and I recall that one weekend a lot of us gathered in the buildings circle, before a film and organ show, and were asked to jump up and down whilst some people took some measurements as to how much the circle moved. I believe it was necessary test before they could hold "pop" music concerts there as the circle had to be strong enough to support music fans who would probably not be in their seats but dancing about or jumping to the music.
Excellent conclusion to a very enjoyable series, thanks for sharing your journey and experiences.
I love the clouds, with what appear to be definitive flat bases.

This may area might be gentrification proof.
Great finale to an excellent series of posts.
DG, did you investigate the river side of the river wall?
When I was there a couple of years ago it had been covered by lots of high quality Strreet Art. Some students from across the river were in the process of repairing" the work, after a graffiti attack.
Thurrock has been my home patch for the last 20 years. The walk along the sea/river wall to/from Purfleet is worth doing, and safer than it might seem. There is some excellent ever-changing graffiti/art on it (or there was last time I ventured that way).
According to a local newspaper, Wetherspoons own the former cinema and are supposedly going to open it as a pub but all is quiet at the moment...
Just me wondering if DG is going to begin a "Beyond London +1" series going 2 districts beyond the London boundary?
I've walked the sea wall from Rainham through Dartford to Thurrock; certainly the end near the church has a lot of (totally fine) graf artists and 4x4ers at the weekends

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