please empty your brain below

It's been a bumper year of fascinating highways and delicious byways. But of all the memorable twists and turns, the Peripheral Postcodes bear the crown.
Thanks for this great summary. Although I would have claimed to read the blog very nearly every day, it is clear that I have missed quite a few. And very many are well worth a re-read as well. The Lavenham picture is my top favourite.
Still no mention in New Year Honours list for services to Great Blogging. Keep up the good work and have a Happy New Year.
Another amazing year of stellar blogposts! Can't wait to see what 2024 brings.
Wishing you a very happy and fulfilling New Year.
It's hard to think of something appropriate to say... so I'll jsut say, "Wow!"

Thank you for all the interest and great photos.
The Wivenhoe one suggests a potential long term project - every ferry (however short) in England (or the UK)

dg writes: see 2018 list
A very productive year, as ever. Thank you for all the infotainment
Amazing. Missed that somehow.

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