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Feel somewhat left out, having been born during WW2!
I now feel very privileged to still have both my pre-WW2 parents alive.
Cornish Cockney... Likewise
I feel a similar privilege in having a family member still alive who was born during the first world war.

Unsurprisingly, she does not remember it, as she was very young at the time.
It was quite disconcerting recently to realise that the whole Millennium fuss can't be used as a reference point to some young adults now that 20 year olds had only just been born then.
Half the population born since Thatcher came to power is the one that shook me.
And only a third of the population older than me, and two thirds younger - I'm four months younger than dg but that makes me feel my age.
Also that 21% born this century have no concept of the world before mobile phones and learnt about 9/11 in school.

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