please empty your brain below

My daughter works for an avant-garde classical music label (the nichest of niches). I could understand that they distribute stuff via streaming, vinyl and CD, but her dad and I were totally shocked to find them selling cassettes! We did ask if they come with a pencil to tighten up the tape and were met with a blank stare!
Glad you tracked the CD down; and it sounds like you’re as impressed as I am. Good to have the PSBs back on form.
If you're not familiar with the work of the parody act, the Pound Shop Boys, I commend them to you. You might or might not hate them, I kind of love them.
I used to buy from Sainsburys Beckton, but maybe they have closed down the film and music shelves.
I still buy CDs from all my favourite artists, and the move to cardboard cases is really irritating. Lovely array of clear spines on your shelf and then, towards the end, barely visible cardboard nonsense.

(Yes, I know, environment, costs, yadda yadda)
Joan,the reason for the blank stare was probably that as "as any fule kno" it is only the clear plastic Bic biro that works in tightening a loose cassette tape with no loss of grip in the sprokets. I think I need to get out more, and quickly.
Despite what the media, Rough Trade, and fans of scratchy wax might have you believe, and as you may have been able to deduce from the revenue you give compared to an estimated unit price, CDs still outsell vinyl in terms of units by almost 2:1 (10.8m vs 6.1m in the UK in 2023).
Thanks David! What makes us laugh is that the girl who thought it was tragic that our car only had a cassette (not CD) player when she was in her teens is now to be found - in her early 20s - searching ebay for cassette decks!
Also like cd's. I prefer playing an album as the artist intended it to be heard rather than odd tracks here and there (also too mean to subscribe to any of the streaming services). Agree about the cardboard cover but my pet hate is non standard size packaging (Gary Numan's Savage is my offender and has to lie across the top of other cds). I solved the finding the cardboard sleeves issue by having all cd's sorted in alphabetical order and then date of issue for artists where I have multiple albums. I just then have to remember the artist I'm looking for!!
It's a great album, their best since Very. Incidentally A new bohemia is going to be the third single so you may need to pick another track 😉
If you really don't care about the polar bears/dolphins/rain forests you can buy the jewel cases from a well known online retailer.
A friend of mine buys the CD cases seperately, scans in the card cover, makes up his own inserts from the scans and prints them on high quality paper. He has it down to a fine art now and takes him about the same time as the first listen through, and they look really good on his (purpose built of course) CD storage shelves.
You could of bought the deluxe edition with four new versions of old songs , the "Dancing Star" CD single comes out Friday with remixes and new tracks
I still like having physical CDs, but buy them online. In this case from the Pet Shop Boys own online shop.

We're s h o p p i n g, we're shopping.
How much for vinyl?????
Still got my 1970s/1980s LP collection in the attic crammed into 4 WH Smith LP carry boxes - probably worth £££s now!
'Actually very super'. Yes.
Berlin Wedding is also a Berlin district and also a Berlin Borough from 1920 to 2001, when it was merged into the enlarged Borough of Mitte (Middle or centre).
I was surprised to see my "local" HMV mentioned today. It's a shame there are so few of them left now - hopefully CDs will make a resurgance like vinyl has.
Vinyl I imagine is more difficult and expensive to send though the post when compared to CDs where (especially in the modern cardboard sleeves) they can cheaply be sent in the post in a stiff envelope.

Which gives physical shops an advantage in selling vinyl. Plus there's something satisfying about flicking through LP covers in a shop, which isn't really the case with CDs in their wrappers on the shelf.
With limited shelf space for my still-growing CD collection I'm quite happy with the thinner cardboard covers as long as they still have a spine with the album/artist readable.

I'm extremely grateful but a little baffled that my home town of Uxbridge has one of the few remaining HMVs. Last week's browsing resulted in the unexpected purchase of Public Service Broadcasting's excellent BBC tribute (and Abba's Voyage, knocked down to next to nothing if you bought anything else so worth buying for completeness as much as anything though it now sits looking a bit lost next to the box set).
One day cassettes will be back in vogue just like vinyl. In Hong Kong in an 'artsy' and 'trendy' store in a rather upmarket mall they were already selling as a vintage item (along with a CD player!!!)

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