please empty your brain below

Cookies on both sides? Could one of them been cooking?
Lolled at the proofreader/pedant errant apostrophes
Surely you’re wrong about gherkins.
Seriously? Eurovision over Six Nations. You are having a laugh
Felt sure there might have been a mention of open space/public domain.
The only ones I disagree with are pesto, creme eggs, and stubble.
Happy Bow Fave Mirror Image Wordsmith Blogger Easter!
Never risk a probably.
kittens dogs
I like frost, walking on crunchy grass and if it's one those proper hard frosts the trees look awesome.

Kittens - that's an unfair contest.

Apples in custard doesn't work though.

Cows might disagree.

Gherkins - you're just doing it wrong.
Bananas? Excellent instant energy, ideal for long distance walks. Also they don't need washing, unlike apples.
Clocks back means an extra hour in bed.
I only see my doctor when I'm ill, but my dentist helps stop my teeth decaying.

It's almost as though some of these are subjective!
Bounty is the bar with the lowest artificial sugar. I think.
Anyway, it's my favourite.
Chips Vs Fries: It all depends on context. Both have their place.

Eurovsision Vs Six Nations: I'm not a big fan of either, but I'd rather sit through a six-nations game than Eurovision. As least Six Nations isn't fixed.

I notice the RSS feed is different to the website around gherkins.
Mint sauce is never good!
I agree with water. Bottled stuff should be banned. Unnecessary fad polluting the environment with plastic containers.
Good Not Good
Luck Misfortune
I do hope your February/April categorisation doesn't come back to haunt you...!
I am going to ignore everything I agree with and point out the one thing I disagree with:

Creme Egg bad, whaaaaaat?!?!? :)

dg writes: Ghastly error, sorry. Switched, thanks.
I can go off people who put coffee in the "not good" section
Get it Don't get it
GOOD: Creme Egg · GOOD IN PARTS: egg

I like your layout. I don't know how to replicate it in my comment.
I still don't think I'm actually sure what a 'deepfake' is, despite seeing the term all over the internet these days.
Stubble is only good when on its way to becoming a nice set of whiskers.

That (and anything sporty) aside, we seem to concur pretty much.

Very insightful post. Thank you.
Glad to see kittens in their rightful place and also that creme eggs have been revised.
Even better than usual. Keep up the good work....please!
Agree: 63
Disagree: 17
My 'Good' : Your 'Good' (except when you agree with me).
Am ambivalent about eight, and agree with all the rest except Crunchie / Bounty.
Eggs are humungously versatile, and without them there wouldn't be chickens, not to mention omelettes and crème brûlée.
Bananas are rich in potassium without which we get hypokalemic, and terrific at that nanosecond between underripe and starchy.
Life without dentists would be exceedingly painful though good ones tend to be expensive.
gherkins are good with pastrami and chopped in tartare sauce.
Pesto is good with pasta which mint sauce isn't.
Sadiq and Susan shouldn’t be in either.

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