please empty your brain below

We won't know this, but it would be fascinating to know for how many responses their prediction is also what they *want* to happen...
I hate myself for being such a pessimist.
As much as I want my prediction to be wrong on the Lockdown front, people have proven they can't be trusted to follow the rules.

Admittedly that hasn't been helped by the Government drip feeding them to us in a way that has resulted in confusion, but still...
Feels like cheating switching to 4 from 8 but I did not foresee UK gov's incompetence with Covid.

Still confident a token, notional "deal" will be in place, primarily to benefit politicians on both sides of the table as they gear up for the next decade of negotiations. Twas ever thus...
Although I predict 2, I think the new American civil war will continue, the things that got Trump elected (which I view as a lack of hope), will still be there under Biden, he is part of the machine that made it like that.
Picked 2 last time, but 4 this time. Not sure the appetite is there for more financial woe in the middle of the pandemic.
I don't understand why Trump is such a contentious issue in this country. His direct impact on the UK is fairly minimal so why all the interest? None of the dire predictions about his presidency have come true, so what's the fuss?
People who ask questions based on false premises are the worst people.
I'm hoping 2 is more likely than 1.

8 would be my preferred option, but the last 4 years has proved time and again that my preferred option won't happen!
Picked 4. I expect Biden to sneak in, the government and EU to cobble together a deal at the last minute, and after a "more relaxed" Christmas, the government to put us back in lockdown in January to bring the Covid rate back down...
It feels more like a choice between very hard Brexit and hard Brexit.
Picked 4 but then realised January 2nd is the last Saturday of the festive break. On reflection I think it will be 8 that day but on Monday January 4th will become 4.
Needs an option for 'wafer thin deal', which now looks quite possible. So 8, if we're lucky.

It will move to 4 thereafter, either immediately, or if things have improved a lot so it takes time to get worse again, March. I would tend to immediately.
I think 4 too, Agree with Sykobee that deal is likely to be courtesy of Mr.Creosote
I predict 8, although I suspect the “deal” will be quite lightweight, and there might be some local lockdowns.
Four days after the US election, the presidency has been called for Joe Biden.

This leaves the even numbers in play (2 4 6 8)

...unless Donald Trump manages to make a legal case for the alternative.
One week before the end of the year we finally (finally) have a Brexit deal.

With lockdown now more severe than in the summer, and Joe Biden on his way to the White House, the correct guess was 4.

Only 23% of you predicted 4.

66% got Brexit wrong.
34% got Trump wrong.
25% got lockdown wrong.

We are poor at predicting the future.

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