please empty your brain below

I would say that the next six months fill me with fear, as I'm old enough to remember the damage caused by the Tories when they were last in power, but actually it's more a sense of ennui. Meet your new boss, just like the old boss...


Cameron is really unlikely to win a landslide. He'd need the biggest swing ever recorded in order to simply scrape a bare working majority. A hung parliament is still very much a possibility, although most likely with the Conservatives as the largest single party.

Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy

Fear. Utter, utter fear. People can say what they like about the 'New' Labour project, but it really was a complete reinvention of the party and its approach. 'New' Tories are the same old unrepentant Thatcherites with round-faced posh-boy bike-cycling video-blogging Cameron pushed forward as their publicly acceptable face.

Yes. Just like in 1992 when, as confidently predicted, John Major was booted out. The opinion polls made the whole thing a foregone conclusion. An historic victory for Labour.

Oh, wait. It didn't happen.

Personally, I think we need a change of government. Surely the Tories can't be any worse than the incumbent Labour government, can they? Of course, I'll expect them to have their fair share of scandals eventually.

It's 1997 all over again. Desperate party loyalists (left-wing Labour in '97, right-wing Tories now) back someone who deep down they don't like in order to get back into power. The incumbent government brand the leader as an unreconstructed extremist in disguise. He turns out not to be. Sooner or later, the party ultras fall out of love with the leader, and put in someone they think is more like them (what price Hague as the Tories' Gordon Brown?), everyone gets sick and tired and the process repeats itself.

However, probably better than the alternative...

Oh come on, what about that far more worthy of anniversaries?

40 years of Sesame Street!

I was hoping that Big Bird et al would get the DG treatment today.

Personally hoping for a hung parliament, unlikely though it appears to be. My vote's somewhat irrelevant, as I live in what's already a safe Lib-Dem seat. My fear isn't so much of Mr. Cameron and his wheeling and dealing (very much Tony Blair in a different suit), but of what might happen in a majority government where Cameron *doesn't* have Blair's strength to hold the party together. It's the number of members of Thatcher's government still sitting about that scare me. Cameron strikes me as a sleazy someone who wants to be elected, and will only piss off the voter so far; whereas the old guard...

Fear, dread, then some more fear. If people want change then that isn't going to come from the Tories. I was happy this morning DG until I saw that wonderful pendulum chart of yours; now filled with fear and foreboding. :-(

Joy if we get rid of the complete waste of space that is Brown.

Feeeear. I see more and more people predicting a hung parliament, but I suspect that's just wishful thinking. I can only sit here hugging my knees, rocking backwards and forwards and hoping for a repeat of 1992.

Fear, total, unalloyed fear.

With the world heading for global crisis through climate change, scarcity of resources and a financial crisis cause by unfettered neo-conservative ideology what do the British voters do?

Of course, they turn right and embrace the corporatists!

New Labour have been a disappointment but my gosh, despite Tory claims haven't we seen some roof mending? new school and hospital buildings abound, public transport, though not ideal by any stretch is no longer dangerously delapidated and we can at least engage with our European neighbours who embrace a more pragmatic and compassionate brand of capitalism.

The future is scary, the future is blue.


Fear. I really don't want to go back to the days when I was ashamed to be British when going abroad. I don't want our town centres and cities to revert to being dirty and tatty. I don't want to see young people facing a bleak future with no support. I don't want to see crime rising again after so many years of falling.

I am already glimpsing what this future might be like as my local Tory council is threatening to close most or all of the local youth clubs, including the one my son goes to.

Given that so many of us have a similar reaction, perhaps we should not assume a landslide just yet?

When are you chaps going to get your act together and limit your PM to 2 terms? It's quite clear people go potty when they have absolute power for too long. While you're at it, fix the term and make it 4 years. And you have to make the rules watertight enough to stop Berlosconi/Putin wannabees. Go on, give it a go.

The problem Ian is that this blog attracts folk who are engaged and care about the city of London and exploring our environment. People who question what they see and see beyond today.

Apologies to any right leaning DG'ers out there (I'm sure you are thoroughly decent folk at heart) but the majority of the lumpen mob look no further than todays needs and wants, they are easily bought by chimeras like the council house sell off and appeals to crass nationalism.

The press and media, driven by the interests of big business swamp the airwaves with sound and fury and seek to protect thier interests over all else.

Sadly you can't take this site as an objective indicator of the views of the man on the Clapham Omnibus.

I also hope I'm wrong and that a hung parlaiment leads to a new LibLab pact and a referrendum on PR.


Humpf....why are we spending so much time looking into this particular porcelain bowl when there's a septic tank full to over-flowing in Brussels?

"Cast Iron" Cameron

What was that old saying about counting chickens before they've hatched?

Lets not forget that Mr. Cameron "promised" the British electorate a referedum on Lisbon and then some four days later, went back on his word.

You can always tell when a politician is lying, mate. His mouth is moving.

"Which will either fill you with joy or with fear"

Actually, no. Change is inevitable and needed but then, plus ca change, plus tout c'est la meme chose. The idea that we should be overjoyed or dismayed is part of the problem - we find it difficult to accept the democratic process. When the results of that process don't agree with what we believe is fair, we moan about the process.

Truth is, it is flawed. But then so is proportional representation.

Things are not good but somehow I don't imagine they will get better. Glad I'm planning to leave the country next year....

We can but hope for a hung parliament, however faint that hope might be. I'd describe myself as more than 'right leaning' but Cameron and the neo-cons he fronts scare the living excrement out of me. Sadly Brown, Darling, Mandy et al have become about as credible as Michael Foot's rabble. In 6 months' time we've all got to put dogma and party affiliation aside and vote for the candidate most likely to run the tory close (unless it's one of Griffin's mob). If Cameron ends up with any sort of workable majority he won't need a full 5 year term to make us all thoroughly miserable and much much worse off, nostalgic even for Blair!

i support David Camaran

The trouble is nothing changes. The problem is the political class. They're all variations on the same theme. Have you thought of starting a party? Maybe the Diamond Geezer People's Party.

Fascinating to see the amount of fear and dread, when things turned out beyond the scale of what was feared!

In terms of patterns and graphics, it's probably due for a colour switch, but then the next magnetic field reversal is 'overdue'.

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