please empty your brain below

I've never understood why we change the clocks back about 6 weeks before the winter solstice, but then only think about putting them forward again 13 weeks after....

dg writes: See this post from 2011.
Nobody has mentioned the EU proposal to do away with clock-messing. So I won't.
Europe used to be more symmetrical - with a longer winter period - until the mid 90's by putting the clocks back at the end of September. It always felt too early to me when I lived there, and I remember a feeling of things being put right when they moved it to October. The September change used to split the Oktoberfest fortnight into quite distinct light evening and dark evening weeks. It also meant that for a few weeks, it was the same time on both sides of the Channel.

I also remember the year they experimented by leaving the clocks at BST over the winter. Getting up and getting to school in full darkness was not fun. Best to stick with GMT if we were to stop messing, but I'd miss the late summer dusks, and the feeling of springing forwards in March. February is too damn cold to consider doing it then - it would be like a false dawn.
@Nick W
"the year they experimented by leaving the clocks at BST over the winter"

It was actually three winters - the clocks went forward in March 1968 and didn't go back again until October 1971.

I was in Orkney last June, and recall being woken up at 4am with the sun streaming through the bedroom window. And owls hunting in broad daylight (they'd starve if they stuck to the hours of darkness)

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