please empty your brain below

They should have delayed the entry of a male to the house. It would have been interesting (sociologically) to witness how young women would behave when they have no male to give them external validation on their sexual attractiveness. With just females in the house, the competition over one another's sexuality would, I suspect, be almost non-existent, and it is this - the potential for female solidarity - that would have been fascinating to watch.

Adding a man into the house, after only 48 hours immediately ruins the possibility of the above happening, and instead, we're now going to be treated to the usual scenes of women preening and flirting in order to get a man's attention and obtain his validation of their attractiveness - just as they are conditioned to do in day-to-day society. B O R I N G...

Unfortunately, this handy boxing doesn't appear so neatly on your LJ syndication...

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We're having some fun over at

as we're devising a Drinking Game for BB8. You know the stuff - like when that Geordie twit says "Direeee Rhum" = 1 shot.

Why is Laura favourite? I mean, she's not the worst in there by a long way, but I wouldn't call her favourite.

Of course, I've only seen the first show and Carole seemed like the one most loved.

If we ignore it, do you think it will go away?

The only thing I'm wondering is when you're going to review the Big Blogger housemates? Surely far more fascinating than this bunch of braindead halfwits.

Whoever they are.

Am I the only one who thinks Tracey is a man?

I will need to watch some so that I can talk about it at work.

Eh? Eh? What's all this then?

As usual I'll catch up on Digital Spy without having to waste time actually watching anything.

I want to stove them all in the face with a manhole cover.

Is this normal?

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