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The new Dutch restrictions seem a bit scattergun. Restaurants and bars (and essential shops) have to close at 8pm, and no spectators are allowed at sporting events - but theatres and cinemas are fine, with no curfew.
For me, it was interesting to read this report in the news on UK Government scenarios when the pandemic might end. The latest prediction I heard over here in Germany was back in September by our health minister, who then expected the pandemic to end next spring by reaching the much-vaunted herd immunity "in one way or the other". Wishful thinking ...
We will keep giving booster shots until we reach herd immunity.
I have reluctantly given in to pressure from all sides to have my booster shot. My reluctance was based on a feeling that I might be depriving someone else in the world of their first or second vaccination. But little has been recently published about the world situation, and whether the fairly pitiful rate of firsts/seconds is due to supply difficulties or not.
I'm up to 3 jabs now (plus the flu jab which makes 4) and waiting to see when they want to stick a needle in my arm again
Caroline: My wife can beat that: she had B12, flu, shingles and booster at the rate of one week over 4 weeks!

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