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Nice Pulp reference there! Keep up the good work!
The Pride of Spitalfields is going to need more staff... the solitary barmaid/landlady was having a real struggle coping with the crowds yesterday afternoon. And it was lovely being able to talk to G & G, who seemed happy to share anecdotes about their past exhibitions.
Two exhibitions a year and admission is free. Their work draws deeply from the area and community in which these national treasures have lived and worked so long. It's characteristic that they selected ‘The Paradisical Pictures' for the opening displays Gilbert and George's interpretations of Heaven.
The Pride used to be "my" London pub whenever I was showing visitors around the grotty end of east London 25 years ago. It's amusing to think it's now next to somewhere people want to go.
Once saw G&G in a Whitechapel curry house. Although l didn’t intrude into their personal space, they smiled and said “goodnight” as l left.
Excellent bit of Pulp in the first sentence.

The Wikipedia talk page for the two features what might well be the most sterile, yet amusing discussion I've ever seen on that page - several pages of passive-aggressive debate over whether Gilbert's surname is Proesch or Prousch
Looking forward to visiting next weekend, having last viewed their larger works at a gallery show in Belfast.
The old school Pride of Spitalfields is one of a diminishing number of genuinely independent pubs in London, with an excellent reputation for what you yesterday anachronisticly referred to as 'beardy ales'.
On one of those online Q & A sessions provided by a national newspaper, I once asked G&G :
"If one of you got run over by a bus, would the surviving one continue to make art?"
Their reply:
"We cross the road very carefully".
As Billy Bragg said,
"Gilbert and George are taking the piss"

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