please empty your brain below

If relevant, please start your comment with a number from 1 to 30.

(questions will not be answered)
21. Who controls a crowd of crowd control operatives?
3, I have also given up on the BBC1 Lunchtime news, since the move to Salford and a change of format I find it less interesting. Should have stayed in the capital city and kept old format.
17. GMT never starts or ends. It continues for ever, just not always used for daily living. Wheras BST only exists for part of each year
12. I would hope that if the listed convenience were privately owned, then the council would have issued an urgent works notice to ensure its preservation. It's probably for political reasons that they haven't issued one against themselves

17. I agree with Malcolm

30. I don't disagree that the licence fee is good value, but the BBC coverage of Glastonbury only barely scrapes the surface
10. We've just had the bin days changed here (and a new contractor) - it didn't go smoothly. But it's always been the rule "that bins must be placed at the edge of your property". Negotiating the pavements of terraced streets from the night before collection day can be challenging.
Tue 4, What was the work you did??
10. Our council also have an "at the edge of the property rule". However they did not specify which side of the edge which led to the inevitable arguments!
5 - officialdom - the thought that there was a 'front' and a 'back'.

9 - I remember many inspectors having a watering can nearby.

12 - shame, it's one of those 'non-standard' jobs that doesn't fit in any convenient category or have anyone with the right skill set to deal with it.

15 - as far as frozen food is concerned, my local corner shop has solved this with a marker pen and stickers.

22 - obviously I left a while ago but the viewing figures are even worse than they were for Jodie, the best performing episode with 2.62m for the overnight was the one without Dr Who, worst was 2.02m.

25 - you are now 'heritage internet'.

30 - The only risk is that too many will have the same opinion and live events die.
20. The kind of small but avoidable "we don't give a flying fig about you" that characterises institutional 'customer service'in 2024.

30. Not to mention a quiet and comfy bed. Mind, you were probably further (if not by much) from some Class A.
27. A colleague introduced me to this a few months ago. I'm now halfway through season 3. Season 1 is great, (some of the football grounds slightly off), season 2 was poor, but season 3 is better than season 2.

Coach Beard is winner for me.
10. We are in Newham and so have experienced the bin day change. The first week, having consulted the relevant diagrams, we put our bins out as requested. We then got a sticker telling us we'd put them in the wrong place - as did many other people in our street. Then came the row on our WhatsApp about whether the bins were meant to be on the pavement or not (definitely not, according to Newham's literature). Anyway for the two subsequent weeks we left our bins in the same place and nobody got the sticker! Waiting to see what happens this week.
27. The major flaw with Ted Lasso ( which is perfect ) is how the fans gather in the local pub to watch the game on TV …. Saturday 3pm games, which are of course not allowed to be broadcast on TV. But it’s ok, becuase it’s ofherwise perfect 😝
10. The "edge of the property" is very unclear, especially when you have gates that are lined up to go straight to the front door and the bin is to the side. Putting bins on the narrow pavement blocks access (not that this stops the bin men). So far the bin men have taken from where the bins long stand outside the houses so we'll see.
1: Here in Hammersmith we seemed to have more Spanish than German fans. Not sure why we in West London would appeal more to the Spanish, but there we are.

24: He's right on brand.
22) I've haven't been won over by Ncuti's Doctor yet. To me he hasn't quite captured the 2000 year old alienness of the character in the way the equally young Matt Smith did.

26) A lovely area for somewhere so close to Central London. My first walk through there (doing the LOOP) is still my favourite visit to the area, as it must have been "peak butterfly" season.
29) It looks like a radio frequency; I wonder why the route has come off as so incomprehensible.
18. The film adaptation of On Chesil Beach has a very different ending. Probably made for a better film, but reviewers seem to prefer the book's ending.
25) Is Bus Stop M to be added to the itinerary of ‘must see’ locations in London for Chinese visitors following the lead of the Tour Guide with the umbrella? If the Guide had any sense he would read random DG posts to expand the choice of destinations for his clients.
29: I suspect the mess was due to someone using OpenStreetMap, which suffered serious vandalism over the past two months.

dg writes: TfL use Google Maps
3. I suppose I shouldn’t be but am surprised that you’re home at 1, given how much exploring you do each day

4. Having faced something similar recently, I look forward to seeing the same in a few years’ time

11. What annoys me most is that owners just don’t see that other people might not like their annoying mutts everywhere. A bit of respect for others is always welcome

20. Mine told me I’d have to go into a branch. Which of course they’ve closed

21. Shame they didn’t get sparkles on their jackets

25. Cynical plug to get us to repeat how great your blog is…? Well it worked, thanks again for the fantastic daily content!
Tue 11: Usually accompanied with "He's just being friendly"

Well none of my friends have dog breath and slobber all over me. Apart from a couple maybe, but get your mutt out of my face all the same.
5. It could be correct like most Olympic flags, which have an obverse and a reverse. Or correct like the so-called “Oslo flag”, which has the obverse on each side.
13. Bloody cyclists.
DG, you're amazing. How do you find the time to do so much every day?
18. "premature ejaculation has never been so dramatic" - speak for yourself!
6. Thanks for showing restraint.
7. More restraint required, maybe?
20. Same. Santander b'stards.
30. Agreed. Best TV weekend of the year, bar none.
11) Yikes. I would have, too!

22) Have yet to watch the finale but the rest of the season has been 50/50. Ncuti & Mollie = great, but the Disney-esque song & dance really only worked in Dot & Bubble. which imo was a bit Barbie-like anyway.

26) It can indeed! (Looks out over a grey sky and puts a cardigan on)

29) Hahahahahahaha!
25. Maybe I am overcautious but I wonder what the next step of the overseas interest might be. I hope only celestial.
Adding to my comment about 29), maybe Google is trying to play some weird "connect the dots" game between the former bus stops and the new bus stops, and that's why the chaos begins at Sloane Square and ends at Victoria.

16) That's a lovely perspective of Imperial, I've always wanted to go there
19) To be fair, I'm not sure which places in New Addington and Beckenham would appeal to the same people who adore parks and shops.
10. Our council also asks us to place bins near edge of own property but also claims that bins left outside boundary will be considered a 'Fly Tip'.
20. We must have the same bank. B'stards!
I've failed completely with my credit card provider. Now have to print the statement at my expense! B'stards!
18. Promise me you will get around to reading the Laurie Lee book, it is such a wonderful book.
27. Around Richmond Green the Ted Lasso tourist effect is in full flow, we've now even got an official Ted Lasso store in the lane next to the pub where Ted drinks.
6 - Nooo I would have loved a blogpost on that
1 - It's fun spotting the bright yellow BVB stickers still around town. Spotted one today still up high on a bus shelter along Grovesnor Place.

3 - You'd have a whale of a time looking at the discussions over on Pres Cafe where TV nerds are debating whether it's cost-cutting or cost-saving. The former because it's cheaper to based people in Salford, the latter because splintering everyone from London where they spent much money to house everyone at New Broadcasting House not too long ago seems like a waste.
20. Yes, many organisations have stopped providing printed information with the virtue-signalling justification that ‘it saves paper’ - except that it doesn’t. It might save THEIR paper but not mine as I have to print the stuff out!
3. When the BBC department I used to work for was going to ‘move to Manchester’, as we used to call Salford, the theory was that it would employ more ‘northern’ people and provide a more ‘Manchestery’ perspective in our programmes. In practice they spent a lot of money relocating the London production teams up to Manchester - except those who refused to go - and the programmes remained much the same.

The problem with moving the national News is that little of it naturally happens in Manchester and very few newsy contributors are prepared to appear there, but the BBC is under government pressure to move programmes out of London, so that’s what you get. Channel 4 had to do the same, with their News studio moving to Leeds.
Days which have not inspired comment:
2 8 14 23 28

(but the vast majority have, cheers!)

30: watched a bit of Shania Twain between F! and football. 3 comments: i) what is it that makes people want to be part of a heaving mass, only really able to see the performer on a large screen, ii) why aren't all the attendees asking for a refund, the sound system was terrible, I couldn't work out what she singing but iii) for 58 my God she looked fit, in the true meaning of the word.
9th: My son Tim has just told me that he was the driver of the boiling bus in your photo. He really enjoyed his day, even the boil-up. He is highly chuffed that you were on board.
29: If you had a numbered list of all the stops on the route, and then you dumped a new numbered list into the same database without deleting the old records, this is what you'd end up with when you asked the database for all of the stops in numerical order.
29. What most amazes me about that zigzag 211 route map isn't that it was wrong, it's that it's still wrong four days later.
9. I was on that journey! The six litres of water didn't do RT 3232 any good; it was steaming again ten minutes after getting going anew. But still achieved a full day (it and me both)

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