please empty your brain below

Whats a photo Granny? And possibly, whats a Granny?

I see plasma tv sets are to be banned.

Move to Africa and do what you like!

i am so tired of this dimension. as soon as i can figure out how to jump dimensions & realities i am *so* out of here!

Matter of fact, I had to buy some light bulbs just a couple of days ago. Good job I didn't need any 100w bulbs [of the 'normal' sort]... good old Gordon has proscribed that you can't buy 'em anymore.
(Hmmm, so what might the shops be doing with all the millions of 100w bulbs that instantly became unsaleable stock? Erm... something very eco-friendly, no doubt )

Hmmm. You just don't seem to get all this hysteria for green taxes and putting the environment to rights, over in countries like Switzerland, that seem to be more eco-friendly by nature.
Hmmm. Maybe that might be because they never f**ked their countries up in the first place.

oh DG you're going to make me cry now...

Love it DG. Yet again you present a serious issue with wit and humour.


That is soo amazing - getting all emotional now... ):
This blog is great! Thank you DG!

was in a newly opened nandos last night... all their lights were ye olde style... what are they going to do?!?

Now I feel like finding my big green stick and trying to ban breathing. All that carbon dioxide we exhale can't be good for the planet, especially as we've cut down half of the rainforests.

Great post, DG.

I hope Boris isn't the Mayor in space.
This was a really clever post!

So it is alright to greatly expand Heathrow airport, becuse that will not cause any increase in greenhouse gases, well so says a politician.But using 100 watt lightbulbs, thats a crime against the planet.No wonder people become more cynical as they grow older.

Did someone watch Wall-E?

What the heck, just as I started reading this blog all my electrics suddenly went out in a split-second power cut.

Can't you just imagine the conversation in Whitehall:
"I hear DG is thinking of giving up his Christmas lights."
"Oh goody, now we can have the third runway at Heathrow."

Ooh. It got a bit Margaret Atwood there at the end.

Can you imagine 'eco Christmas lights'?


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