please empty your brain below

I love Wivenhoe! Sounds like they still haven’t built the proposed and controversial footbridge from Wivenhoe to Rowhedge.
Fascinated to learn more about Wivenhoe, having recently read Samuel Fisher's novel of the same name, set during a future climate apocalypse. Your excellent description of the town dovetails with the author's.
A fascinating report about an Essex town (Wivenhoe) which is still blessed with its own railway station.

In 1984 Wivenhoe became the unlikely setting for a series of miners' picket lines when foreign coal was imported into the port during the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) strike.
In 1985/1986 I lived in Wivenhoe in a former pub converted into bedsits. I was working in Colchester and commuted from the railway station daily. I wish I'd explored the town more at the time. The dockyard was still in business and all the new housing had yet to be built. But although I kept an eye out, I never spotted Joan Hickson.
Somewhat randomly, Fingeringhoe is one of the places mentioned in the song "Ramblin' Man" by Lemon Jelly (along with nearby Felixstowe but nothing else nearby, and few other places in the UK).
If the village were called Fingeringhoe its sign would be stolen more often.
Nice trio of estuarine posts today
There are excellent Open Gardens in (at least) two of those places - but already happened this year.
I’d have put the red carpet out if I’d known you were coming. Wiv indeed is a wonderful place that I’m blessed to live in. It was formerly described as Bohemian on Wikipedia and certainly lives up to its name with plenty of art, music and other activities, this week it outdoor Shakespeare! Pubs, restaurants and two bookshops!
Really enjoy and appreciate your travelogues. They inspire my adventures. Thanks

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