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DG..... get an induction hob. Much more controllable than normal electric hobs. No good with aluminium pans though!
Apparently a wooden spoon laid across the top of a saucepan stops it boiling over. Or tilt the lid.
You should see the mess when a pan boils over on an induction hob. The liquid goes everywhere.
I have just re-read the haiku request. Which asks for a moment from my weekend. Sorry mine wasn't.
Noisy neighbours? You rent, so move!
[Tovolo Pot Lid Lifts, Sheep - Set of 3 ]
You shouldn't put a lid on pasta. I don't know why, you just shouldn't.
Have you tried 'adjusting' the heat by moving the pan partly off the hotplate?
I endorse the wooden spoon hack above. The lid tilt is unreliable as they so often slip back into place. I wish the rain would stop.
5d is PRORATED - P(ai)R + ORATED

dg writes: right setter, wrong crossword.
Looking up the reason for 5d led me to discover that robinet means tap in French because the first taps often had sheeps’ heads on - sheep being called robin in some parts of France because stupid medieval peasants were called Roberts. (The bird is also named after Robert, but apparently just because of the alliteration with redbreast.)
I wouldn't have put you down as a 'fairy lights in the hallway' kind of guy!
If anything spills onto an induction hob, it's a lot easier to clean up than on any other type of hob.
As good as it is, it’s bizarre that Blackadder II was on prime time BBC One on a Saturday night.

I had to check that Miranda Richardson hadn’t died.
In my experience, when pasta boils over on an induction hob, it’s silent - there’s no sizzling. So you don’t notice for ages, by which time the hob is covered in water, and the saucepan is half empty.
Regarding the crossword I've done the whole thing apart from 4d - have you got that? I won't give away 5d unless you ask, but in any case you've probably finished the whole thing now.
If you like curry, try a Katsu cube. It's Japanese.
Gas cooking is best
Simmering is no problem
Off means off - no sweat
Has anyone ever had a McDonald's that is any better than lukewarm ?

dg writes: Yes.
Very much appreciate the bonus eighteenth haiku in the box of submissions.
The only way I found pasta to not boil over using an electric hob was add a glug of olive oil to it. Breaks the surface tension somewhat, so you don't get the foaming.
"You shouldn't put a lid on pasta"

Nonsense. I always do. Gas on full, pour in boiling water, pop the lid on. Wait one minute for it to come back to a boil and dial the gas back to minimum. Go away until timer rings. Would work the same on electric as the idea is to dial your heat back before it starts to froth.

Is is not necessary to have your pasta at a rolling boil. It would cook fine at 90+ degrees.
"Wait one minute for it to come back to a boil" is not a phrase my electric cooker understands.

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