please empty your brain below

Did you not bake a cake and deliver it? Bill Drummond judges you ... 😋
No, he took a pi ...
I've seen a variety of personal trainer styles. Some scream motivation words, some shout abuse and other just give encouraging words (and the occasional one says very little)
I used to walk past the Mayor's office every morning around seven and see a whole pack of fitness nuts with a "Mr. Motivator".... They never look very happy those people...
I'm not sure I like my family being used as your social signifier in some sort of critique of the gentrification of Hackney Wick. You never know the circumstances of the people you pass in the street, after all.

PS. the 'artisan' coffee was lovely, thanks.
You should hear what is said and the grunting in male boot camp gyms. It is nearly enough to turn me straight.
I thought yoga was supposed to be mindfully serene stretching, not going for "big boosts".
In what way was the pram "posh"?
Be honest, that Stephenson Street picture is actually a still from one of the Mad Max films, isn't it?
Really interesting - and strange how different people have divergent views on what constitutes a "long walk".
I have to stand up for that artisan coffee shop in t'Wick. When I fell and severely broke my arm (an arch instead of a straight lower arm) in January, the young woman who worked there took me in and helped me clean up (blood everywhere) while I waited for the ambulance.

While 'my' Wick has become full of non-locals, hipsters and represented London's 'peak beard' period, that woman restored some of my faith in people, which over the years of living here had taken quite a dive.

Don't judge by face values please!
For a while I went to a Spin class at the gym I was a member at. The instructor was rather silly, the music very cheesy. It was all tongue in cheek and great. Fitness wise it was brill.

Then that instructor left. The music was replaced by awful hardcore trance. The other instructors were all serious. Lots of shouting. It wasn't fun any more.

But what finally did it was the attitude of the other people. I went one Saturday morning to a class I had never been to before. The instructor wasn't too bad. Not much shouting. But then he didn't need to for right at the back was a participant who keep shouting it all out it all instead

Her shouts of "BEAT! BEAT! BEAT!" (refering to the beat of the music) irritated me no end. To the extent I came close to walking out midway through the class. I endured to the end and never went again.

So it's not just the instructors. Clearly there are people who attend fitness classes who, if they don't get shouted at, will just shout out themselves.
Why don't they just tow the Mitsubishi car away?
I never knew what a spin class was till today - fairly obvious really, I suppose
The blurb on the website of the architects of the replacement buildings at Bartlett Park (completed 2015) mentions 'British Waterways', which in England and Wales was replaced in 2012 by Canal & River Trust.
...but British Waterways was still in existence when plans for the canalside development were being drawn up in 2011, so the statement on the architects' website is not factually incorrect.
That will happen to my car not long after I die.
Actually [cue useless fact irrelevant to the original article] British Waterways still exists.

It's the legal entity that looks after canals in Scotland, under the brand name "Scottish Canals".
Great stuff, like an urban homage to Richard Long! I am a fan, especially of the OS map walks.
Stephenson street likely to change quite a bit once (if) all the developments occur along there. Site with 3,800 homes at the north and I think something else is planned nearer Canning Town too.

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