please empty your brain below

I used to (still do) look for plates that 'spell' words. I saw NEATH once, but the best was A RA881T. Both, unfortunately must have fallen foul of plod, as they were put back to 'normal' soon after. Would the US system be better, where (I believe) any combination can be chosen?
A Q plate isn't necessarily for an import, but rather a vehicle with an indeterminate age, such as a kit car
I know where there is an NR now, if you are still looking for it...
Early in the new year I started “collecting” London postal districts in car reg plates. Progress was rapid at first and after four months I had seen about two thirds of the total, including all of W1 to W14 and all of the N’s except Tottenham. E, SE and SW are well represented but I’ve only got NW10 and NW11 and none of the four central districts.
EU27 Country codes (on plates or otherwise on the vehicle)

Was never easy (some are rarely seen in the UK); used to be easier, pre-BrExit. You would have a leg-up if you lived near one of the major ferry ports.
We have lots of strange plates in Tower Hamlets for another version of this bingo: illegal formats and spacing, incorrect typeface or dimensions, tints to match the tinted windscreens, lack of maker names on the plates, screws that appear to alter letters. It seems to be a growing trend, hidden in plain sight of the local bobbies who don’t seem to care. Good for the plate spotters though.
Airport codes in the three-letter sections is a good one, particularly as it requires comparison with another knowledge set. To make it completionist you could define a set (e.g. UK airports) but tbh I’m not competitive enough to formalise it and just play without a specific goal.

I was sad to discover on a trip north last week that my mum has replaced her DG plated car, which always made me smile when being collected from the station.
Last week, not far from Chigwell, I spotted a vehicle with the plate CH16WEL.
I've now corrected the egregious error in Game 9 (sorry).

It turns out to be quite a quick game - I finished it in an hour (although most of that was along the North Circular).
The problem with Game 9 for entertaining children is that it might be over too quickly.
I completed it within the first 13 minutes of a car journey this afternoon.
The end was very sudden; driving past a second hand car dealership ticked off X, Y and Z in under two seconds.
Jesus Christ

Game 11: 'Backronyms' or Be Your Own Halfarsed Radio Panel Show

quick-fire round: contestants must come up with amusing three-word phrases that correspond to the three letters displayed on a passing car numberplate

eg if you saw mr bean's car (SLW 287R) in real life you could go with something like "silent laughter wrangler"; 248 RPA could be "rotten perpetrators arrested" and DHV 938D "derek hawks videorecorders"
Ever thought about a girlfriend?
Hey, it may be unforgivable nerdery but it still got more comments than a detailed post about the history of Fleet Street.
I just finished Game 5a (in any order) in 33 days. I got extraordinarily lucky by seeing UU on day 3, else I'd still be looking.

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