please empty your brain below

7 the days of travelling 1st class for work - how things have changed
10. What was the ulterior motive, or do standard unblogged rules apply, and questions won't be answered?

dg writes: I can’t answer that.
Feb missus had moved in 2 years previous, with us planning to marry, but we'd been arguing for most of that 2 years so wedding planning was proving a bit hard to schedule.

We're still together (yes there are kids - teenagers now), but your Thu 14th comment gives me a pang.
Time to revise assumptions about the Mystery Count (again).
Whoa. I was less than half my current age and yet you were out more than I was!
A reminder of how it was to be a single Londoner with disposable income, something I experienced a decade earlier - albeit with fewer clubs, and more live music.
1 to 28 - it seems you were one of the reasons Becks was so profitable back then, and less desired these days. Allegorical, maybe.
10. My guess would be it was a recce for Best Mate's plan to work abroad.

11. In my experience, people who have invested a great deal of time in PRINCE2 qualifications are always a bit dissapointed when they find out no-one outside the UK knows or cares what it is.
Well I think you went to more clubs in one month than I did in the whole of the same year!
4 Garfunkels seems an odd choice for a Londoner even in the early 2000s
An intriguing change of lifestyle and sociability over 20 years. The thing that really stands out though is driving to Brighton and back rather than going by train.
Never considered you to be such a party animal!
Even at my peak sociability, I wasn't THAT social - but then my line of work precluded most opportunities for after-work shindigs.
Wow, your 2002 was way more exciting than mine, on every level.
Wow, is this really the same DG, so much drinking, sociability and (dare I say) womanising !!
20: By my count only the third mention of strippers in the history of this blog.
You’ve still got time to repeat all of this 20 years later if you hop on a tube into town now. If you’re lucky there might still be somewhere in the West End that closes after 11pm, though probably fewer than a decade ago.
I’d be quite interested to see more unblogged from 2002 (and possibly other years too)- great read
24th Glad to read you had a beigel instead of a "bagel".
18) and here's what you could have been watching:
I'm also wondering about Garfunkels. That's up there with Aberdeen Angus, in my opinion.
"Stunningly dull" is today's favourite turn of phrase. Thanks for that!

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