please empty your brain below

DG, that free Eurostar trip application site is a bit scary. Passport Number, Bank Account details, address, mobile phone - just about all the details someone needs to take over my life.

Oh, and it's crap.

On the other hand I've just received an email saying I am to participate in "Eurostar’s ‘Integrated Volume Testing’". Woo Hoo.

Is there something wrong with me that I find your blog tables sexy?

*gets coat*

*looks for fanzine subscription form*

Gavin beat me to it.

There is absolutely no way that *anyone* should trust Eurostar with all those personal details. One just never knows who works there or how dishonest they might be.

Well I'm booked in, but I didn't give them any bank details since I won't be claiming expenses. It's no more info than they've already had from my booking tickets with them, after all.

The Eurostar site was closed for registration at 1615 when I tried. Guess it's full.

"londonerama" ?!? ...i thought it was going to be called "londonapalooza"

liking the "londonerama". Quick, grab the domain!

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