please empty your brain below

Glasgow North. Apart from the full name (small on the back) theres zero mention of tories or Rish!.
I have lived at the same address in Southend since 1983. Last week was the first time anyone in person from a party knocked on my door. I spent an engaging 5 minute chat with the potential Labour candidate for my constituency. He didn't have much persuading to do in my case.

Yesterday I received half a dozen leaflets from various parties all in the same delivery. None from Conservatives though perhaps I missed it considering comment from ChOme.

Can't wait for Friday 5th.
Several leaflets from Bob Blackstone (current MP, Cons) and a doorstep visit with 2 colleagues. On leaflet from the Labour candidate and nothing from any of the others
Hammersmith and Chiswick - I had only had one leaflet from the Lib Dems until late this week, when between Wednesday and Friday I had a number come through.
1 Labour letter from almost certain winner Andy Slaughter
1 leaflet from Conservative which is not blue, has no picture or mention of Rishi, but a large picture of Kier Starmer warning about giving him a "blank cheque"
2 leaflets from Lib Dems, 1 each from the Greens, Reform, Rejoin EU and Works Revolutionary Party.
Looks like all the candidates here are also sharing delivery costs, with a wodge of all their leaflets coming through the door at the same time a couple of days ago. We’re a safe Labour seat so no local canvassing allowed by Party HQ. Expected to go to Uxbridge or Swindon!
That's what annoys me most about candidates who are parachuted in to stand in constituencies they live nowhere near.

If they can't be bothered to show up and campaign for their election in person there is no way they are going to be listening to local voices in their (Weekly? monthly? ever-held?) surgeries or representing them in parliament!
“the first MP in British History to establish a service empowering my constituents to decide how I vote on key issues”

That’s not even true… in the days of rotten boroughs and lack of universal suffrage, it was entirely normal for the constituents who had stitched up their election to decide how MPs would vote.

My area is a Tory safe seat with an unlikely-but-possible Lib Dem challenge. The LD candidate is local and the Tory parachuted in from elsewhere to replace a retiring bigwig, and it’s been interesting to see the number of leaflets growing as they increasingly panic. The Lib Dems have been consistent as they always are, though they’ve upgraded to glossy from flimsy paper.

A solid effort from the couple of independents with flyers of varying sizes and quality, nothing at all from Labour or the Greens.
Note how we were told that Faruk “has a flat in Bow”, which seems to suggest he has a more substantial property elsewhere, and may even be renting it out.
Come on DG, you know what we all really want is a comparison of leaflets - who does it best? Quality of paper, fonts used, layout of photos and graphics and any poor grammar or silly typos slipped their way in.
Our local MP is popular in the constituency but they want all efforts to be put into ‘winnable’ seats elsewhere. Our local campaign Organiser once told me that leaflets through doors were a waste of time and money as most go straight in the bin. The priority was identifying ‘our voters’ and making sure they came out to vote on the day, not ‘wasting time’ trying to persuade people of the value of our policies and the virtues of our candidate. It seemed a rather sterile data gathering exercise instead of the stimulating exchange of political views you might expect!
Our street was canvassed by Labour on Wednesday mid afternoon. Not many people were in to speak with them.
In this part of the Stratford and Bow constituency, we've only received a leaflet from Labour.
I have had loads of materials from the Lib Dems, and a single leaflet from the Communist Party - which was very professional and had some nice Soviet realist design touches
In Richmond Park I have only had leaflets from the Lib Dems but I saw the Tory candidate out campaigning.
Ditto Sprout Eater. I’ve only had a Lib Dem leaflet, although at a recent hustings Labour and Conservatives assured everyone that they had been sending out materials. No one has heard of the reform candidate. No leaflets, no hustings, no campaigning, no online presence. Zilch.
Living in a Southend constituency I received a similar bumper bundle of election bumph to David.

What is interesting here is that our current MP is not standing this time, plus there's been a boundary change, and a lot of new housing built in the last 5 years, but without any corresponding improvements in the infrastructure.

It's been a solidly safe Conservative seat for decades, it didn’t go to Labour in Blair’s 1997 landlide, so it will be interesting to see whether these changes will affect the outcome this time round.
Same generic leaflet from Reform here, just with the candidate and constituency names changed. Both Labour and Lib Dem leaflets have a photo of their candidate standing outside Leytonstone station to show their "localness"
I'm slightly (very) annoyed that Labour have replaced the very local and very frequently seen Lyn Brown with someone who doesn't live in the area.

Could say that for all the parties though.
Several leaflets for a candidate that I can't vote for, delivered in error where the canvassers have forgotten my ward was redistricted into another constituency.
Cities of London and Westminster: umpteenth Lib Dem (despite not officially being a target), 2 generic Labour -- finally got a candidate-specific one in extremis these past few days, 1 Reform, 1 'Social Democratic' Party, 2 Tory (but just a QR code really on them, both identical), 1 by a certain John Generic (independent all about direct democracy and all that I think).

The Reform candidate doesn't mention ECHR, but according to a friend, their leaflet in Vauxhall does. I guess this constituency may be deemed less receptive to leaving the ECHR? Who knows.
Finally got a Steve Hedley leaflet handed to me outside Bow Road station this morning.

Very progressive, very clearly put, but even if he did get elected he wouldn't be able to put five of his six pledges into action.

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