please empty your brain below

A gamble, as described by Curtice, in very much the same way skydiving without a parachute is.
Seeing Rishi get drenched outside No. 10 whilst "Things can only get better" blasts out will be the iconic moment of this election (Maybe the year?).

Starmer may be an idiot, but at least he had his press conference indoors.
A Fourth of July Genny Lec? I'm certainly Ready 4 Rishi to fly off to California.
Rishi has to go through the motions, even though it's obviously hopeless for his party. Could his decision not to hang on until January perhaps be a shred of decency, for the benefit of the country? Or am I being insufficiently cynical?
Rishi? Boris? Since when did we constantly refer to male PMs by "cosy" first names? Will it be Keir in No.10? I doubt it.
Although Labour will win, it won't be an enthusiastic victory resulting in an energetic government.
Patrick, I agree. It makes them sound human, almost cuddly. Let's not do that.
See? Albania IS relevant.
I trust -- unless anything exceptional occurs -- diamond geezer will be an election free zone we can visit!
I thought they'd get their summer recess in first (sorry Scotland!) but for many it'll be an earlier, permanent recess!

I can't get excited about a probable Labour win. With Corbyn it felt like real change was possible, but not anymore.
As The Who said in 'Won't Get Fooled Again': Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.
Sunak will resign after he loses the election. I guess he thought there was no point in postponing the inevitable.
I'm sure everyone on here realises that July is in the second half of the year. I'm not sure some others do, however, including writers for the Guardian.
According to someone I overheard yesterday, the Tories have still to select candidates in more than 100 seats where the current MP is standing down, and two more announced they were going yesterday morning. A chum thinks Labour haven’t yet selected 80-100 candidates either. Let’s hope due diligence gets done, eh?

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