please empty your brain below

20 down! Fiendishly cunning DG, I salute you.
Say it isn't so?

Even DG, eternal bastion of all that isn't vacuous, faddish and stupid. Even he has now yielded to this ridiculous trend of beginning sentences with "So ..."

I just don't know what to believe in any more.
So if you really love me
Come on and let it show

(lyrics from a vacuous, faddish and stupid song)
So ... this is Christmas
And what have you done?
Another year over
And a new one just begun
I was one of the four - but even now I know the answer to 20 down I don't get it?

Tether contains half a dozen of the letters in 'the other', and it is also a tier (6 across) of livestock (1 across).

A very nicely constructed clue, in a crossword of Fleet Street standards, if such a term can be used these days.
Brilliant! Worthy of the late great Araucaria himself.
I was also one of the four and 20 down had me at the end of my tether. Now I get 6 of 1...
If nothing else, seeing the answers proves to me I can't do crosswords of this complexity. I confess I didn't spend a huge amount of time on the clues a few days ago but only got 1 answer - "air".
I got stuck on 20 down, but then looked up 'tier' in my rarely used Webster's dictionary and found 'a person or thing that ties'.
PC - it's not so much about complexity, or even needing a high level of intelligence, but more learning the secret language of cryptic crosswords.

20 down was too good for me but I was also let down by 'abuttal' not appearing in my usually reliable dictionary.
I have decided that 2014 will be the year I get to grips with the cryptic crossword.

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