please empty your brain below

Sorry today's post is late, but Blogger decided to delete the original at moment of publication.

Your post titled ‘Freddie Mercury: A World Of His Own’ was flagged to us for review. We have determined that it violates our guidelines and deleted the post.

Apparently it "violated our regulated goods and services policy."

That's never happened before.

So I've removed all the links to Sotheby's website and hopefully this unlinked version will be left alone.
If Blogger is US based they might be sensitive about anything involving auctions.

Freddie Mercury, still famous 32 years after his death - it's hard to tell how long someones legacy lasts after their demise, the rest of the band being alive helps.
Wow, what an amazing collection of stuff.
What a collection. Its a shame that it is to be broken up but then again it is just stuff.
Regrettably, Ian wasn't invited to the press preview, he's just increasingly patient at waiting to take photos without people in them - or roughly photoshopping them away when he's less patient.

My photo of the ermine robe room had four people in it before I removed them as that was an impossible photo to take without people in the background.
Even being very patient wouldn’t have worked on Tuesday, so my thanks for picking your moment so well.
Come auction day there may be little low, but I am sure there'll be plenty of high.
The list of dinner guests: why ever isn't a copy (sheet of plain A4) made available for visitors to take away? Help the queue at that point.
I can confirm that when I arrived at ten to one yesterday (Wednesday) there was no queue outside. Inside it was still busy enough to require patience to get unobstructed photos though.

Anyone who can get to visit this and is at all interested in Freddie, art, or maybe even cats should do so.
Thank you for an excellent write-up. I had nearly forgotten this was on. However, must admit that that only item mentioned in the post that I'd like to have myself is the one you already own!
Wow! I had no idea this was happening. Thanks for the heads up!
The last 8 words of this post are **Chef's kiss**
(you came very close to never reading this)
In which case, thank you for having the foresight to save a copy or a speedy rewrite. Now to work out if I'll actually have time to visit...
Big Queen Fan here, I will be going next weekend 🙂
I admired Freddie for his music, his performance skills and am unsurprised that his legacy has lasted this long. But I find the reverence given to the possessions of any well-known person to be strange and more than a little uncomfortable.

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