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Regarding access to the London stadium area on event days, I recently noticed that there is a current planning application to install permanent fencing and lockable gates at certain areas which are planned to replace some of the current temporary fencing and gates that are currently in place, the planning ref number if you wish to view the proposals is 21/00028/NMA.
The only football team to give each of its season ticket holders a free pair of long-range binoculars (or at least the only one that OUGHT to)
That planning application explains much, especially the covering letter, cheers.

Stadium Island has to be closed off on event days for security and counter-terrorism reasons, but "the blue bridge is the only point where people can access the stadium island without being searched."

The intention is to install 50m of permanent fencing where the current temporary barriers are, which'll allow the towpath to stay open in the run-up to events.

"The proposals seek to remove unsightly temporary landscape elements, and keep the towpath open for park users as regularly as security implications allow."

No news about the barriers on the bridges, other than that they've been used during Covid-19 to reduce access to Stadium Island during ‘behind closed door’ events.
I passed the old and new Brentford grounds today. The Ealing Road entrance to Griffin Park has staggered concrete blocks in front of the gate with hoardings for redevelopment now covering the main Braemar Road entrance. The Community Stadium is surrounded with movable steel fences, which spill out into the road in front of the building site next door.
Way to spoil a lovely park, West Ham :(

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