please empty your brain below

Like really, really jaw-dropping lack of pop-ups. Sad.
Absolutely superb classic dg.
This one loads a lot quicker than the other site.
Aleecia McVitie's piece really takes the biscuit.
Excellent piece from My Geezer.

I hear that U.S. president Joe Biden is also silent on the amazing change to London Bus timetables.
On reflection, I am disappointed by the lack of totally inappropriate stock photos.
Anyone know if Elon Musk has tweeted any opinions about Dartford?
The writers revealed the locations they are writing about too early in those otherwise excellent pieces of online journalism.
Pure Base Speculation. Can we have more of the same please.
I didn't know Balham was so big-hearted.
I literally died laughing when this increasingly hilarious spoof reached its hysterical climax in the last paragraph.

Great piss-take
Blimey, are mygeezer 'journos' are actually allowed out to the places they are writing about? Would Twitter-based "research" really have revealed to Henrietta Dipole the existence of free biscuits?
The new bus stop timetable doesn't explain what the numbers under the timeline mean, which is a backward step. Taking the previous route off is a good move, though.
Saddened to discover that @lickmytoblerone may not be genuine. But pleased to discover that DG now has additional staff helping him. Because one man cannot produce all this quality content alone!
The news reporter reported on a crime piece and the crime reporter did the news piece!!
And genuine nuggets of interest amongst the puffery!
Hope this is the new house style, so much more fun than usual.
An interesting feature to me of SW17 has always been the number of Tyneside-style purpose-built maisonettes, but I'm guessing that doesn't apply to Terrapin Road.
When I first saw it I only thought about some ordinary woman having the same name as the Princess of Wales (whose name seems rather common) opined something.
Bravo - you really cheered me up. Private Eye / The Onion awaits your services.
It seems you've certainly tickled the aging sniggerati today. Clever stuff, although I'm uncomfortable of contempt for younger folk providing 'infotainment' to their peers.. it's not aimed at the likes of us!
Luvly stuff. Where a bus is coming from is humungously useful in real time as on Google maps bus stops so you can see where the next one is but less so on the antediluvian cheapo static printed ones.
Didn't you mean brother-in-law?
Frank… today’s target isn’t yoof infotainment it’s shameless clickbait… unless I too have got that wrong?
I would love to have heard James Alexander Gordon reading out the places and numbers on the Red Post sign.
I have to admit, when I was renting in the less desirable bit of Balham walking through the Heaver estate was the first time I really felt property envy. Particularly the line of houses that overlook Tooting Common. It's what you'd put on a postcard to convince North Londoners that it's not all bad south of the river.
You are scarily good at these click-bait articles.
@lickmytoblerone may want to visit the bus stop I stood at in Greater Manchester yesterday which didn't have a timetable! That would be a whole story for MyGeezer if it was in London! And if they could research it in about five seconds...
What is the advantage of them printing a timetable that only shows the route ahead aside from saving a bit of ink? Each bus stop (or several in the same area) still needs a custom timetable based on which stops are still ahead.

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