please empty your brain below

"a flock of swifts swooping down from overhead wires into the stream"

Are you sure they were swifts? According to the RSPB's website, swifts "never perch on wires like swallows".

I did a little research: swifts only land to establish nests, lay eggs and feed their young. They will stay in the air for 2-3 years before they reach sexual maturity and even then they will have sex in flight, as demonstrated in these great pictures of two swifts doing an impression of a biplane.

Sorry, my ornithological skills are minimal.
I've now changed my mind and plumped for "swallows" instead (until advised otherwise).

Loved the picture at the flooded end of the letter box tunnel!! All adds to the total "Lea Experience"!

Only caught up with your Lea Valley posts today so will work through from beginning of month via archive
You may be keeping this for week-ends when visits to blog low but for those of us who look to you for great info and comments on London , this is real bonus time
My introduction to your blog several years ago was when it came up in a search result for another of London's rivers - the Fleet - and your account of that walk inspired me to do a similar trip .
I look forward to reading about the Lea and now that Iam back in UK hopefully following your route

Hate to nitpick but it's actually "Old Peculier".

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