please empty your brain below

Yep, I am a habitual reader. I am not sure why as what you write about has little relevance to me, but there you go. It could be that what you write about is interesting.
Hats off to you DG, from my own experience I have always enjoyed the depth of thought expressed in this blog which (whispering) makes me check it far beyond my bedtime!
Congrats and thanks DG, your blog is a daily treat, to be enjoyed with a cup of tea before I catch up with breakfast TV news. Here's to your next million visits.

I’ll second IanD on that.
"More accurately it'll be the nine millionth time that a slightly ropey stats package has registered a unique visit, which totally isn't the same thing"

At least you acknowledge iffy stats: oh that others would!
Reliability, consistency and quality, plus the tolerance and regular 'gardening' of the comments section whenever us punters tread on the flowers, or alternatively add some strange new plant that doesnt fit in.
DG, your blog is one of my browser's permanent tabs. You keep me in touch with the city of my birth. Your content is wonderfully varied and triggers further reading and investigation. I will continue to be one of your minions, sorry millions.
I too come because I came before, and like it. I echo the appreciative comments, and am particularly impressed by the amount of sheer hard work put in to every post. And the gardening - I admire that analogy.
I can't remember how I first came, certainly wasn't Facebook. Probably a Google search.
Congratulations- I’m one of those habitual readers. Do/can you know how many people access the blogs you link to from your site and have these changed over the years?
Thanks DG, congratulations on 9 mill.
People coming from Facebook is probably when people (like me) who use that as their main social media platform see something they like here and share it.

That's how I first found out about your blog. And I've shared probably a dozen or so posts since (most recently about the way bridge warning signs work).

I'm afraid, though, I read you blog via RSS. I don't have the mental discipline to remember to check things every day. So your stats rarely include me at all.
I don’t mind that some of my posts are shared on Facebook.

I do mind that the group is an automated dump, with every post cut and pasted oblivious to format, often appearing as gibberish... essentially, ‘uncurated’.
Congratulations on the 9 million, and on your stickability and interestingness.
If I'm your 9 millionth then will also probably be 9000***th and 9000***th As I usually get back to my computer after lunch and before dinner and the first thing I check is the DG Comments!
Thanks very much for all your words - almost always an interesting read, whatever the subject.
'Ropey stats package' is of course filtered from all of us who use the various ad blockers. So it includes none of my visits.... Originally found via Google and Ian's visits but now well entrenched in my browser so I just type 'd' to get here.
Here's to another million.
Well done, DG: here's to 10,000,000!

Where I am your blog (the only one I look at daily) comes through in the evening: 6pm in the northern summer, but I have to wait until 8pm in the winter. So frustrating - and even longer for comments to come through, but worth waiting for.
I forget how I found you now - probably something to do with googling when planning a trip back home to London with the kids in 2007 when we were living in America!
I don't think I've missed a post since - and read your back catalogue!!

Many congratulations. Maybe socially distanced gatherings will allow up to 10 million next year!!
Congratulations. Here’s to 10^7 sometime next summer.
Visitor Nine Million arrived at 9:49 (from the Stockport area). Cheers! And onward...
Congratulations on 9 millionth visitor. I stumbled across this blog by accident many years ago and it's now an important part of my daily routine.

I've been informed, amused and learned lots. I love the writing style and the unpredictability, you never quite know what each days post is going to be about.

Please so keep up the good work.
Refreshing to see discussion of website visits without the dreaded language of advertising e.g. impressions, click-through, PPC.
Congratulations on 9 Million.
Congratulations DG.
Came to you about 5-6 years ago via posts in the "Weekly news" in Ian Visits. This in turn was recommended by a friend.
No day complete now without my daily fix. Normally with a cup of tea after breakfast!!
Keep up the good work
Congratulations on your 9th million. As an ex-pat Londoner I've been a daily visitor since your early days. Whenever you do one of these round ups, I'm always amazed by the traffic still generated from Girl with a One Track Mind. This from a blog with no posts at all since 1 Jan 2018.
Congratulations and thankyou - I've not had as many belly-laughs for ages as I have since starting to visit you blog :-)
Girl With A One Track Mind is my top linking blog solely based on traffic generated over 10 years ago.
I too am happy to be one of the 9,000,000 :)

I found you totally by chance as a reader of Sarah's Blog which just goes to show how from Derby via Sheffield I get to Bow every day ;)

Congratulations, thank you and long may you continue.
Congratulations and well deserved. I have had one of my occasional trawls through the layers of links to find comparably engaging blogs and find they are rare, and many defunct. This is always fresh, brilliantly written, with the added magic of making subjects that (rarely) I might find dull still a thoroughly good read.

As noted by others, it has also led to my looking up things for further reading.
I came via a search that took me to londongeezer, DG is the first thing I read at work in the morning. Well done DG. See you tomorrow.
Congratulations DG. I came for the Olympic build and stayed. I also recommend people randomly click on the archive every now and then because most of it is still relevant - an added bonus. Thanks
Have been reading pretty much daily since 2004, pretty early in what proved to be the relatively short era of blogs being ubiquitous. Can't remember at all how I found you.
Reliably a good read....
Congratulations on the 9m milestone. I read your blog daily for its content, style & humour, & come back to read the comments for the same reasons. Thank you!
Reliably a good read just about sums it up - humorous, analytical, incisive, cynical ...
Thanks for keeping this up DG. My own efforts at blogging ceased years ago to be replaced by occasional tweeting but I do keep thinking I should return to it.

I am one of those who comes here by force of habit and your blog appears automatically as a most visited site on the front page of my browser. I've been visiting since I first discovered the blog early on in your Random Borough days. It was your blogging about random places that got me hooked but things change and evolve and it's now your monthly unblogged things that is a favourite.
As I understand it, all internet traffic from my workplace goes out on just a handful of ip addresses. Does this mean we get combined in your stats, and so will the figures go up as we're all working from home for the duration?
Congratulations and renewed thanks for your superb blog.
Congratulations on the "slightly ropey" 9 million, DG! :)
I believe that I registered at no 27 in December 2016 ...

I'm afraid I still click through from my own blog every day as its primary purpose these days seems to be to curate the other blogs I follow ... but I know I've brought a few new readers dg's way over the years - a drop of canal water in the ocean of followers.

It's really obvious from looking at the world of canal blogs the extent to which blogging has declined. There used to be upwards of a hundred regularly active blogs; now I would hazard there are fewer than a dozen, updated less frequently, and generating far, far less traffic.

Many's the time I've vowed to post every day, and the longest I have managed to keep it up is nine months (in 2010). So I really take my hat off to dg.
You got the last paragraph bang on. I don't remember how I got into your blog, but I certainly into it by 2014.
Very impressive.
I read via RSS reader Inoreader, their servers are in Bulgaria.
A few thousand of the nine million are me; I came here via "Random acts of reality" some time in the mid-2000s and have been reading most mornings ever since. I've probably read more words written by you than by any other living individual, and I've enjoyed every one of them. Thank-you so much for all your work over the years.
Thank you 9 million times.
Congrats - always enjoy the blog although do not understand all of it. So many interesting facts about London and not the usual touristy bits . Like the away days, and the virtual visits too.

Do keep on going
Thanks DG... I live in St. Louis and pretty much always stay up till 1 am just so I can read your blog post before I go to bed lol :)
I love your blogs but I see them first on that Facebook page you hate. I agree the formatting is dire but I usually click over to your blog unless it's a subject I don't engage with. I would hate to see it deleted because then I would have to remember to log on to your blog!
I remember that 2m visits post, not long after I’d scattergun-subscribed to a bunch of London blogs in November 2010 when I first moved to London. I’ve read every post ever since (thanks to the wonders of RSS) and it’s always one of the things I look for first in my feed. Thanks, DG – here’s to staying power and consistency, two very underrated virtues!

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