please empty your brain below

I can edit OpenStreetMap in such piecemeal manner, but public works broken down in so many stages very much displays the incompetence and lack of collaboration on the part of everyone involved.
DG - Updates map, uses whizzy technology stuff to distribute map to keep people informed.

TfL - Uses whizzy technology stuff to distribute words, links to journey planner and leaves people to figure out for themselves where the bus goes now.

Checking now after multiple clicks, the 95 and E5 both have status alerts, the map shows old and new routings but without telling me which is which, clicking on a bus stop, the next bus displays are correct, but tiles still show the previous arrangement. So Telford Road lists 95, 105, E5 - but correctly just shows next bus display for the 105 - but how would you know that.
I know the change is confined to the Dormers Wells area, but if it's right to include the 207 and 607 on the map then the 427 - recently diverted to pass the Crossrail station - should also be shown.
Apologies Ian, obviously it should have been...

How did you make that map?
Ridiculous that TfL can't afford/chooses not to issue proper maps. Peanuts when compared to some of the publicity stunts they waste money on.

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