please empty your brain below

You need to get out more.

Either that, or less. I can't decide.

Heh, heh.... nice one Gee23r..

Fancy wasting all that prime advertising with a dead web site. I's like billboards for "Grand Opening Sale" for a shop that is boarded up.

It's my belief that NW9 is the centre of "twatplate" universe, judging by the sheer volume of rich corner-shop owners who have bought Mercs and BMs for their sons and daughters 18th birthdays and customised the plates with attempts at rendering their first names.

More at:

Reading's largest slum landlord has BED 51T

and I'm rather tickled by one I see around Weymouth every now and then, even though it is twattery of the first order:


I quite like this rant from a Chinese in the car trade. Her site is quite fun for a Friday afternoon, too.

I find these personalised number plates highly amusing. I once had a guy explain that BR51 AUS was a personalised number plate - Brian Austin. What a tit.

I am of the opinion that I should able to stab anyone I find stretching the bounds of credibility with their interpretations of seemingly random characters.

My number plate (R241GTH) says "Uncle Hunty".

Personalised number plates are sad. But moving letter, adding strategically placed screws, changing fonts is sadness beyond belief. And people pay stupid money for these things too. Mad mad mad. I think I rented a house from BED 5HIT when I was a student.

Best cab plate used to live in Chingford -

Trafalgar Squre tonight white cab ER05 WED ("Picadilly? no Guv, it's Friday")

My fav (in NZ):


on a truck belonging to a document destruction company.

We are "blessed" with not having to have any order for letters n numbers.
And while I won't waste my own money, I get a giggle from the clever ones.

WHAT!? It's a different type of puzzle, is all.

Won't that site be under construction of a while (i.e. like 4evr)? Why wouldn't u just look on ebay..?

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