please empty your brain below

The 25th is also Towel Day
you forgot my birthday tomorrow
And for the republicans amongst us 6 May is also World Naked Gardening Day
Bank Holiday #3 is named the Spring Bank Holiday but old timers will know it as the Whit holiday.
Nice one but also absent is my birthday & it is on the 6ixth |\|oe|
Towel day and world naked gardening day, both interesting, how could you have forgotten those! As my birthday is on 6th I celebrated yesterday with my 4 family members in ingatestone and Hutton, (dad's in a care home sadly since Jan20). Rochester sounds really worthwhile destination for someone north of the Thms estuary in Ilford like me. All the best writerly pal.
>>The 25th is also Towel Day

David W. is clearly a cool Frood who knows where his towel is! (with apologies to the late Douglas Adams)
That would be a "hoopy frood"... :-)
Teachers strike (2 May) and Nurses/Ambulance Strike (1-2 May)
In an RSS reader, devoid of the colours, I was wondering precisely what a Eurovision Rail Strike would consist of.
They used to put the flags out on the 24th as it was Empire Day.It was Queen Victoria's birthday and is my birthday.
May 4th is also Star Wars day.
May 13th is also the annual European Night of Museums. Events in 30 countries but it seems the UK doesn't want to celebrate any more.

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