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"To tick it off properly I needed to walk in or out."


Also this is the most I have read about Preston Road in my entire life.
Unlike Eastcote you didn’t say you liked it.
I live just 4 miles away, and had no idea it was named for an ex-village until last year!
Preton Road is an "abandoned" station [ resited ] because the original entrance and platforms were on the eastern side of the road bridge. If you look on Google 3D view you can see some brickwork now covered in clumps of grass - this is/was part of the original platforms.
I think the parade of shops outside appears in the Fawlty Towers episode "Gourmet night".
I once uses Preston Road, when doing the Capital Ring. It didn't make much of an impression on me, positive or negative!
As much as I admire the stand-alone Charles Holden + Leslie Green classic designs, stations with entrances embedded into a parade (as here) also have a particular charm.

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