please empty your brain below

Cats. Love!
Cats! Don't like!
I do love a grizzled old warrior cat. Even if I am sick of them picking on my small little one.
My, now sadly gone, old “fatty” was top cat in the area and the sweetest boy at home… Always mindful of the little female in the house too….

I still miss him, 10 years on.
"and cats are renowned for not being quite where you'd like them to be"

Oh go on, tell them the story about you and the ginger kitten...

BTW I don't think the top two cats pictured are gingers.

I would never adopt an animal. I respect other people's right to do so, and I do agree that they can be wonderful companions, and also, as here, excellent material for a talented photographer.
Admire cats because thet seem to do as they please.
I am pleased that there is such a secure border between Waltham Forest and Redbridge.

I thought it was kittens that your readers were always asking for?
Great colour palette in each of the photos.
Cats! <3 <3 <3
Great stuff, and inspiration to find ginger cats on other London boundaries!
A genial post. More of the same please. Miaow. Prrr.

Especially like the fact that the photos link to a webpage about the same location. Is this a regular DG thing that I have missed over the years reading these blogs, or is it just for ginger cats?
Finally! DG has seen the light and posted about cats. Encore!
I'm not sure how I can record my likes, but if you could add a like for each picture with a cat on my behalf, I would be very grateful. Thanks.
I like cats, but black rather than ginger.
Cats!!!! Self exercising pets.
Yay! 🐱🐈

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