please empty your brain below

Much better darling. Tone it down for a few more days we'll see if we can leverage some of the Grid elements again late next week.

The transfer should have gone through earlier today. See you on Tuesday. Ciao!


I liked the green! Bring back the green!

It wasn't quite the 'week after the terrorist attack' (best blog series ever anywhere) but it was fun.

The contributors meet up post did ring a few bells from events I've been to. You're sure this wasn't about anyone in particular?

Grid London's lawyer writes: Any resemblance to websites living or dead is purely coincidental.

Happy 6th blogday, DG. 5 years of reading this has, by now, taught me not to take all of your posts seriously. But still, glad it's over. The bill from my optometrist is on it's way.

As for click-throughs, I did try one or two over the week just to see if you had complemented all this with some spoof pages..

Alright then, the trouser-buying, go on then, get it off your chest.
I'm listening.

(Of course, I could just be saying that to disguise the fact that I fell for it hook, line and sinker. I'm not, but I could be.)

Ditto Nico, I was hoping for complimentary spoofs!

You forgot to mention that there were still no kittens, or not enough ...

And point 5 - if they had buggered off, they would not be reading that they had buggered off. Er.

And maybe we are not interested in purchasing trousers?

It's over? But I was waiting to learn more about the developing relationship between you and Magda! I reckon you were in there!

A vintage week, DG. Good work!

It was green?

I admit I tend to skim your posts and if it's very London centric I'll pass, but during a quick skim of the first of these I thought something was 'up' and have enjoyed every one!

And, like a good soap opera (oxymoron?) you've left the potential love tryst with Magda hanging.

Any chance of a pic of her btw?

Ohh.. wait..

See, I told you it was an experiment and he'd be analysing it all

Dear Diamond Geezer,

What superlative web-logging! We are "new" listeners and were completely suckered in for the first couple of posts, but quickly saw the humour (not bad intuition for robots).

We must visit London sometime. It sounds splendid.

Robot Love

Honey and Dick

You have more RSS peeps because they couldn't take the GREEN anymore - even the toned down GREEN because it was right next to the lurid YELLOW.
No harm done, as you say. They (who ever they are) say there's no such thing as bad publicity and you have proved it!
One peep did notice and comment on your trouser buying ....but maybe that was yourself in disguise?

1) A splendid series all round. I enjoyed every minute.

2) I didn't even mind the green, perhaps because my own is green as well.

3a) yes.

3b) & 7) Well it was stretched a bit at times, but then I thought the BBC coverage was ott as well.

4) & 6) What may have thrown a lot of people was that the gridlondon home page was genuine and the fact that all links from it were dead were a fault and that it would be fixed so I kept checking back to see. Your Monday footnote may have reinforced this possibility.

2b) & 8 ) my RSS reader opens up the pages in all their glory.

9) & 10) Keep it up DG, we love it.

OMG why has this blog gone GREY, so BORING, DG change it back PLEEEZE!

(Best DG Theme Week Ever, by the way. I like you when you go all dark and weird and withering. And green.)

Brilliant, five-star DG - sarcasm, wit, cutting observation

Fantastic week - I couldn't wait to see what experiment you were trying to do. Belated Happy Blogday btw.

A good number of the gridlondon click-throughs were from me, wondering (indeed, hoping) that there would be some follow-through content to amuse me. unfortunately not.

Oh, and trousers? Just the sort of thing I like to read about but just don't have any comment to make. I hope you don't think that lack of comments means in any way that the content was not among the most interesting of your writings!

Hey, great gag DG! It's things like that which make this blog stand out from all the blandness in the blogosphere. So it's now back to the boring old greys, eh?

It's quite amusing how you've got more comments on your trouser-buying quest today than on the day you published your blogpost about it.

So, what's going to be on the cards tomorrow? Kittens? An enjoyable account about the number 341 bus route? We'll just have to wait and see...

I could never connect to the Grid London site.

But I'm glad it was all a joke, cos that green page made my eyes go all funny.

Dear Mr Geezer
I am writing to you on behalf of my client, Mr Le Frog.
We are dismayed that you have chosen to use the shade of green patented by my client under reference 01044/Kermit/1966 on your site.
We feel that you have left us with no alternative other than to commence legal proceedings. The change of shade mid-week was a poor attempt at disguising your activities, my life.
Alternatively, if you would like to avoid the significant damages we anticipate being awarded, then we are open to an out of court settlement proposal.
Mr Le Frog would prefer payment in chocolate, which can be sent via a third party, a Blue Witch, whom I believe you know. Payment should reach us, I mean Blue Which, by 9am tomorrow morning, at which point we will consider the matter closed.

I thank You, my life

Mosche Pitt

So what about the DG visit to Abercrombie and Fitch in March 07?


I remember thinking this looked a bit like selling out when I read it - now I have re-read it, I am still struggling to spot any sarcasm/irony? Do I possess too little intelligence to read this blog now?

dg wrote: "this is just high street fashion at wallet-emptying prices".
dg writes: Don't worry, A&F didn't ask me to write that.

Long live the Geezer. A thumping good read that leads to a brighter lunchtime for this reader - be it on a green or grey background.

Oh, I'm glad that things are back to normal. Can we have a picture of the trousers, please!

10) That is most definitely why yours is the only blog I read EVERY day.

I have no idea what Mr BW (alias Mosche Pitt I suspect from the demands for chocolate) had for lunch in the work's canteen today. Presumably not pork...

I will ask him to explain this to me when he gets home...

Careful you don't bite that tongue that's in your cheek.
I note your stats show twin peaks in theres....oooooh oh fire walk with me....oh oh oh

I thought it was pretty funny satire, actually. Not hard to confirm once you looked up the registration for and found it registered to a Mr. Diamond Geezer.

I kind of like the fake Gridlondon logo though.

I miss Grid already. *sigh*

A smile in a dress. Perfect description.

...and we're back - isn't it beautiful? All week I've been unable to see past the green & yellow to actually read anything.

Thought it was a bloody funny week DG... and, long live points 9 and 10!

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