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A Places post- so I wonder if 10,002 will be a Journeys one...

10,001 posts - astonishing!
Barking Riverside.
"Building tomorrows slums today"
Ah, a "placemaking concept" - where would we be without those?! Going for a walk amidst estuarine desolation is the perfect way to blow away the cobwebs of yesterday's celebrations.
Well, at least these slums will have proper pavements outside, unlike many of the new 'posher' rabbit hutch terraces up and down the country.. and very good transport connections to boot, with no need to own a car. Not forgetting the chance for many to get their first own homes.
Thanks for introducing me to Footpath 47 years ago. I have visited regularly since. It’s a lovely wild place. One summer, before construction started, there were skylarks soaring up from safe inside the wire fence.

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