please empty your brain below

You've put a relative link to - but the result is similar.

Ah, oops. Should be the right link now.
(not that it links anywhere anyway)

Doldrums? Surely we've got the Mayoral and GLA elections to get out of the way first.
Who will it be? Someone who winds everyone up, or someone who winds everyone up and will be utterly useless at his job too?

I'm pleased that you realise that Asian MPs are nothing new (and London had a couple more in the early 20th century too). I often think that people don't realise just long London has been multi-cultural.

PofP - you're very right. The trouble with Black History Month is that most people either a) are oblivious of it, b) ignore it or c) think someone's gone around scraping the barrel looking for black history in a fit of political correctness. Fact is, London's always been multicultural, right back to the foundation of London by the Romans who brought with them citizens, soldiers and slaves from all over their empire - which stretched to Africa and included a very diverse population.

At least our local MPs here in Hertfordshire make more of an effort with their websites.

And what do you know, they're all Tory!

Of course, if Ali does become your MP, she still won't become Right Honourable, unless she also gets "PC" after her name too. That's unlikely unless she becomes a minister.

I wonder if you're not jumping the gun a bit, dg, in declaring your not-yet-MP a Rt Hon. In Canada, Right Honourable is reserved for the Prime Minister, ministers get Honourable, and MPs, well they're mostly a waste of time...just like yours!

In the UK you get Right Hon if you're a member of the cabinet. I have the terrible feeling that even if she is elected, Ms Ali will have a long wait. She'll probably have to settle for 'shadow minister for blah-blah' before very long - unfortunately...

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