please empty your brain below

Please don't post any answers in this comments box, but do tell us how you get on.

This is a bit too strenuous on the mind for a Friday morning. I spent far too long figuring out 2 ways to do it on Easy. Looking at Medium and Hard is just too daunting ...

No need to find all the possible solutions.

For the Easy puzzle, one solution will do
(that's why it's the easy puzzle)

Managed it. Not sure how, but I did...

I got lucky - my answer to pizzle 1 and pizzle 2 turned out to be the same. I'm now working through the symmetries on pizzle 3. Thank you for waking my brain up today.

Done it - and much better than the quiz yesterday, by the way. Way more interactivey.

Easy. The whole lot took under 30 seconds.

A great breakfast time teaser. Puzzles 1 and 2 were done by me in under a minute or so, but Puzzle 3 is tough, and just the mental workout I need after a good night's sleep!

I think there might be something wrong with my brain. Puzzle one took a couple of minutes, found it quite dificult.

Puzzle two a little easier, but I actualy finished by accident when I wasn't expecting to.

Puzzle three I did straight off, first time, took me ten seconds and could have done it faster if I had a real mouse instead of a laptop touchpad.

Hmmm mine tessellate. About 4 mins for the 3 puzzles though?

Hmm, same as Alan above - my answer to one and two was the same. Three though might require some thought!

I'm confused!

the hard one took me a litle while but after a couple of minutes i finally managed it! yippee

Easy. Just solve the hard one then apply the solution to the other two.

Somehow managed it, but to be honest, by blundering around the hard one. Logically, of course, Pedantic is right, but naturally that didn't occur. Grrr.

Does this have any relevance to the diagram in your previous posting, DG?

Having looked at my answers, the answer for 2 was the answer for one rotated 270 degrees, the answer for three was the answer for one rotated 90 degrees. This is fair enough but wasn't the logic I used when solving them!
Oh well, there's several years lurking over with.

These puzzles are really scaring to me and it is a tough one too.

What have I misunderstood?
The same simple solution seems to apply to all 3 puzzles.

Same thing happened to me... I stumbled on to the "hard" solution on the first try. The fun is to then go back and find the other possible solutions for puzzles 1 & 2.

The code that runs the buttons is very clever. Well done, D.G.

I can't get the diagonals on the last one so I must be misunderstanding something.

As usual, as soon as I post a comment, I figure out what I was missing. I should have posted sooner to figure it out sooner.

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