please empty your brain below

Wot, no pargeting?
Apart from a few at the supermarket checkout (but no other promotions, not even merchandise), zero England flags round here, none on cars, even the pubs don't have promotions, the only clue of any football activity are the crisp adverts.

They'll be a corner of Barking & Dagenham that'll be forever England.

The only public sign that there is an election is a Labour poster in a window - but they also had one up when Corbyn was running.

£100 fine - well it hasn't deterred them has it?
The old name for the Thames east of Woolwich Reach is Poddselms Reache, with a corresponding bunch of trees shoreside in 1500s.
However, like me they might have misread the chart. North is at the bottom, and Poddselm Reach is west of Woolwich Reach!
AliExpress is part of Alibaba, one of the biggest companies in the world, that is huge in the business to business market, linking Chinese manufacturers to international retailers.

AliExpress allows the Chinese manufacturers to cut out the western retailers, and sell directly to consumers worldwide. It's on a completely different scale to Etsy and Primark. AliExpress is a competitor to eBay, while AliPay is like PayPal.
I enjoyed reading this post; I'm not surprised MyLondon opted for clickbait once again, neither am I shocked that developers exaggerate how special their buildings are.
Can't help feeling that "favourite" anything shouldn't be defined just by total number of users. Classic marketing hype.
I wonder if that Audi is R011 YAA
That photo of St Cedd's has taken me right back to the late 60s/early 70's when I was a bridesmaid on a number of occasions there. Both sides of my family (the Irish Catholics and the English Protestants) lived in Dagenham and worked at Fords. As the number of children were large (and tended to marry early), small girl members were deployed as bridesmaids multiple times (sometimes wearing the same bridesmaid dress but with different hair accessories!)
As a resident of this borough, I thank you for this very insightful and accurate post. It was very enjoyable to read. That is all. 😀
If I may risk one … surely you made time for a walk along Footpath 47 whilst in Barking Riverside?

dg writes: never risk etc etc
I remember Hardy Amies coming to give a talk at Brentwood School as an Old Boy. I wasn't particularly interested in his career as a dress designer, but it was impressive that someone so famous had studied in the same buildings.
Love these 'general observation' type posts.
Sometimes a few pictures is all it takes to reinforce a stereotype!
Aliexpress is upping their game to try and compete with new providers of cheap tat, especially Temu, to a lesser extent SheIn.

And with a rollout of Tiktok as a selling on the horizon, god 'elp us, although that will look and feel more like a freeview shopping channel with people pitching product.

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