![]() please empty your brain below |
You forgot about going to work in that list DG!
Unless you are a lizard, bank robber or crime fighter aka Edward Woodward of some sort? :) Have you ever thought about how you would cope WFH? Have a good day |
And I had naively imagined that at 7am almost every day the one fixed event is that you press "Publish" (or whatever is the command).
At 7am each day (or shortly afterwards) I click back to the DG tab on my browser and click "Refresh" to see what you have "just" published. |
I'm sure that many may relate to the cyclical nature of such a routine at present. Mine is quite similar, including reliance on the generally splendid BBC Sounds across the day, but without the requirement or skill to produce high quality Blog output each evening. And with significantly fewer traditional foods.
The effort you but into your posts is clearly demonstrated by the time you spend writing them. That is some commitment day after day. Intrigued to know in what way weekdays differ from weekends. Thanks for all your creativity.
I'm intrigued why you think that those with a job would be less institutionalised (unless they are not WFH). No exercise and sitting at my PC for 12 hours a day in my spare bedroom on my own seems pretty institutionalised to me. My average step count has dropped by more than 90% in this past 10 months and the idea of walking rather than working is hugely attractive and actually one of the reasons that I love your blog.
Wait - you are on instagram?
dg writes: Yes, as you noted in your comment last August. |
Interesting to read that blog topics are not typically preplanned.
Also, +1 for sandwich sudoko, way more fun than the plain vanilla variety. |
'Come to', that's an odd way of describing waking up.
I don't settle down and watch any broadcast TV now, YouTube is better because its creators aren't constrained by formats, as a result their content can be more detailed and/or niche. I do flip between Radio 4 and 6, but the late evening Radio 3 output (Free Thinking and Night Tracks), can be good. |
My daily routine starts 7:50am with watching BBC Breakfast until Joe Wicks appears. Usually switched off by 7:51am.
Our lockdown life was similar here. We got into strong routines and it took some getting used to when we were set free. The first casualty was the lack of deliberate walking for exercise we began as we had time on our hands and were not getting out and about. We were driving everywhere within our 5 km limit and not using public transport. The roads were so quiet, I did not mind. We are back using trams and trains now and my anger levels when we do drive have risen.
I just assumed that everybody got up and went for a run and spent the rest of the day recovering.
"Start making lunch at 12.53. Finish making lunch at 12.59."
Pretty precise timing for that something... At least you spend a reasonable time on your evening meal. |
Fascinating in its own way.
Bemused by the fact that you have a smart TV yet your day seems to revolve around watching the one o'clock news live when you could watch at any time after one o'clock. Personally, I would spend a few extra minutes in the bath and just press the green button to watch from the start when I am ready. |
I also listen to BBC Sounds of... and Dance Devotion whilst doing my daily walk. We might have passed each other on Hackney Marshes or some towpath! Keep safe and well.
I've been wondering that for years DG. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you DG, this gave me some laugh out loud moments.
I am exactly the same with regard to turning off my radio at Thought for the Day or the Sports News. Like you, I also nod off during the midnight news, and later get woken up at the start of the Shipping Forecast. Prior to that I like to listen to Today in Parliament at 11.30. |
The Battersea Poltergeist (BBC Sounds) is very good if you need something to listen to on your walks
Can't find you on Instagram - far too many Diamond Geezers.
You probably have some reason for not listening to podcasts but I would highly recommend 'Backlisted (giving new life to old books)' and there are four years worth to work through. |
Routine keeps me from slipping into complete chaos!
Shopping, it must be xxxday, oh it's xxx day, I need to get the laundry on etc But this month I've switched to online shopping and it's completely thrown me - so much so I've missed a favourite weekly live Facebook broadcast both weeks running! :( So far I've forced myself out on a walk just once (love walking, just not pounding the streets) but even so, most days I find there just isn't enough day left to do the things I want to do rather than the things I have to do to keep the family fed, watered and clothed etc |
It’s all going very much to routine this morning, other than the email from the radio producer and taking the rubbish out.
I’m currently striding across Wanstead Flats dodging the icy puddles and wayward canines, with an unopened bag of Mini Cheddars in my pocket. Do stop and say hi if you’re out and about. |
Seems quite a few of us leap out of bed when thought for the day comes on!
Had to get up an hour earlier today because the only grocery delivery slot available was 7-8. Gave up going to the supermarket recently when I recognised it was my riskiest activity. |
Also in a routine like many people.
Mine is mainly different from yours DG. But generally, midweek: 9:30 - 10:00 Mug of tea, slice of toast. Open Diamond Geezer. Enjoy. Weekend is normally different times, but same actions! |
... other than the email from the radio producer ...
Are you about to branch out in new directions, DG? As ever, I am impressed by your seemingly endless ability to produce wonderful blogs from the minutiae of everyday life. |
no power/restorative nap ? Depends on people's psy+phys of course
I have noticed that sorting stuff for recycling and general rubbish seems to be becoming more important to my daily routine and more satisfying when it is disposed of.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who says 'come to'
Shopping in person is also my riskiest activity by far. But for the moment, I am justifying it by a wish to leave the online slots for people in greater need of them. (Of course, it is difficult to evaluate this need).
I would say hi if I were still living beside Wanstead Flats. (Wow, was that really over twenty years ago already?)
....and I bet those Mini Cheddars are history by now. I thought I was the only one still playing Threes. |
Mini Cheddars are one of the tools I'm using to get me through Dry January, along with copious amounts of tea and Diet Coke.
Interested that you can get by on so little sleep.
Your diet is seriously bad.
Home now, and the bath is running.
A special hello to my more judgmental readers. |
A bath in the middle of the day. How decadent.
The only piece of information which surprised me is the number of mugs of tea, I expected that number to be much higher.
Looking at my own life the the average number of cups of coffee drunk per day (Cappuccino, Expresso, Latte, Flat White, Caffe Americano etc) 15 to 16. That number has not changed in the last 10 years. |
I admire your determination to stick to your routines! I am not as creative as you and still spend hours trawling various blogs/other sites in cold weather! I was reading one today (A somerset lad) where he mentioned nursery rhymes, especially 'oranges and lemons'. Do you hear 'the great bell of Bow' at your place? Would it be practical to walk all the churches mentioned? You may well have done this already, of course. Keep up the splendid writing
dg writes: 17 years ago :) |
“Linear TV” - great term, new one to me, shall start to use it
Bath in the middle of the day can also be napoleonic or churchillian. But of course.
Change out of jeans into something more comfortable? I though that was the point of jeans.
Am I the only one who had to look up "doomscrolling"? |
“A special hello to my more judgmental readers.” What a sweet put down :)
Amazingly you only write about one blog a week which doesn’t interest or amuse me. |
Thanks for introducing me to 3s. Just wasted an hour, instead of doing my income tax. A choc-ice whilst playing.
Now, a choc-ice in the bath, that would be decadent. |
Thought For The Day should be an opt-in on Long Wave and a DAB sub-channel, similar to Yesterday in Parliament and the Daily Service. It just doesn't belong in a news and current affairs programme.
Times Radio must gain quite a few listeners when the ominous 'It's thirteen minutes to eight' warning goes out. |
Thanks for pointing me towards your 2004 post - that has given me another (welcome) task for the indoor hours - going through your previous posts,- now how shall I tackle it?
Oh, I've just spotted your lower case a. I admire that.
Andrew S ... I had no idea what doomscrolling was either.
Still running pretty much to schedule.
This afternoon's film was Election starring Matthew Broderick and Reese Witherspoon. I skipped the potatoes this evening and had pasta instead. And I managed not to eat the Kit Kat (but had a mince pie to make up for it). |
So that's how it's done!
When I listened to Today (a long time ago), I would also turn off at Thought for the Day, unless the speaker was Rabbi Lionel Blue. |
Mmmm... Mini Cheddars
This is a great post. I love a routine and discovered DG towards the start of lockdown 1 and you're almost always bedtime reading for me round this time. Til tomorrow then.
Gosh someone other than me ignores the government press conferences! I used to watch but stopped when it developed into a party political broadcast and haven't gone back
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