please empty your brain below

Don't reveal the solution,
but do tell us how you got on.
What a satisfying little puzzle. Took me about 10 minutes to crack. Thanks very much.
Nice puzzle over coffee, ta.
See it, say it, sorted !
I've come up with *a* solution but possibly not the intended one. I might have the wrong homonym in a couple of instances. Agreed though; a rather satisfying puzzle.
That was fun. Thought I had gone wrong at the end.
Nice. Personally, I was only able to find one set of homonyms that filled the grid - and it didn't help that one of the ones I thought was obvious turned out to be wrong.
Very clever
As often, this puzzle is beyond my comprehension. All I can say is you have a pleasant handwriting.
Two of my favourite bloggers presented satisfying puzzles today. This was the second, and great fun to solve. Thank you.
There are insufficient hours left in October for me to complete even half of this puzzle.
A handful with similar lengths/endings required some trial and error to get started. But from there pretty straightforward.

I didn't take a very technologically advanced approach, copying down DG's sketch by hand.
One clue took far longer to solve than the others; fitting the answers into the grid wasn't as straightforward as it looked. Took about 15 minutes. Thank you!
Very nice. I've got a couple of different possible answers.
Finished, although like Alan I have more than one solution. As others have said, a very satisfying little puzzle and not something I could have come up with at the same age!
Not a clue as to where to begin! But well done those that have solved it.
I shall probably kick myself when the solution is revealed!
Took me about 10 minutes to complete. Was good fun thinking of how the answers could fit together, but once I focused on the lengths and the interactions for those words, everything eventually slotted into place.

Or at the very least I have found one possible solution.
Lovely, especially when I used my ingenuity to solve ???. As far as I can work out the answer is unique?!
Nice little puzzle; I enjoyed it. Thank you!
Took about 10 minutes, once I'd got my printer to work - which took considerably longer as I can't remember the last time I printed anything. Should have taken Shminkypinky's approach.
I needed the 'homonymn' clue in the comments to get it and then got slightly stuck with a couple of them but managed it by coming back to it over the course of the morning. Good puzzle!
I needed two goes to solve it.
I've got a selection of words but I keep coming unstuck when I try to reproduce the grid!
This is too much like Sudoku -- I keep thinking I've got it and being left with one clue I can't fit in without taking the rest all out again.
Very clever! Enjoyable and challenging.
Finally got around to doing this, got very stuck on the three letter word. Solved in just under 10 mins I think.
Great little puzzle. Looked at it for a few minutes until I got into the DG mindset, and quickly solved it. Most entertaining.
Took about 10 minutes. Nice puzzle, thanks.
Done, very quick - solved the clues and slotted in from the only six letter solution. Lovely puzzle!
Nice puzzle, thanks. Just got to it after a busy day (starting with a lecture in Bandung, Indonesia, where my camera clapped out halfway through!) We did it in about ten minutes, with two solutions, one of which we preferred since the other contained a somewhat old-fashioned word I only know from nursery rhymes.
Four candles!
I haven't a clue where to start.
I much prefer a puzzle that has some rules.
Tried doing it on a train with a hand-drawn grid but couldn’t finish it. Once I got home and printed it out it took about five more minutes. Very enjoyable, thanks.
Scrub that last comment. I've just understood the rules. Haven't done it yet, but, at last, know what it's all about !
If you use (Windows) snipping tool to copy the image, it's got a blue "pen" that can be used to write the answers in, and an eraser for correction!
I was hoping to come back today to see how it was done!
Bah - I have just tried drawing out the boxes since I'm nowhere near a computer/printer and ballsed up the grid before even trying to complete. Simply trying to do it my head is going to tricky.
Wot no RRR's?

(Expecting to hear the "QI" klaxon for this one)
Loved this, more challenging than I first expected and felt like it only had one possible solution in the end but I'm prepared to believe the others above who've found two, it did feel like there might be another for a while. Good work, young DG!
It took me a lot longer than the 10 minutes others have reported.
Please dg, when will we get the solution?
oh what a TTT you are!
June and I finally got round to this and did it between us in about 10 minutes.
Loved it!

We have two solutions: two five letter words across can go in either place.

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