please empty your brain below

At one time TfL buses were banned from the busway between Dartford and Bluewater.
The one that used to catch me out when I lived in your patch was the N8, which after stopping at Roman Road Market then didn't stop until Marshgate Lane, which Google Maps suggests is a mile away by road.

dg writes: 0.98 miles. Unexpectedly the 8 is fractionally longer so I've added that to the list, thanks.
1.19 miles 465 The Ridgeway → Givons Roundabout is up Young Street which is the A246, a road that is single carriageway but has provision to be dualled.

dg writes: smallprint updated, thanks.
108 - s/b stop M (Blackwall Tunnel/East India Dock Road) to MA (Dreadnaught Street) 1.55ml - but TfL says it is closed, so the next one is MW (Boord Street) 1.73ml.

Distances according to me checking them on the internet.

dg writes: added thanks.
The 132 after the clumsily-named Millennium Leisure Park East stop seemed to go a very long way when I mistakenly didn't get off thinking there'd be a stop around the corner and was spirited off to the Sun in the Sands roundabout. My inexpert manipulation of Google maps comes up with 1.2 miles so it may squeak into the list.
Andrew S - I think the 132 may be even longer the other way Wricklemarsh Road to M.L.E.

dg writes: added thanks.
Strangely the 533 probably doesn't qualify this week as for part of the journey it non-stops stops served by the 190 before finally pausing after around 2.5 miles at Mortlake Cemetery when comming from Hammersmith.

However, thanks to another round of Barnes bus changes, from July 16th it will. The gap between the Hammersmith Bridge Road and Hogarth Roundabout stops is around 1.2 miles and is served by no other route.
Ah, Harold Hill: possibly the only part of London that shares its name with a character in an American musical (The Music Man).
Adding one to Andrew's list, though not necessarily the standard of musical he was referring to, Bo Peep is a character in "Toy Story: The Musical".
The 533 currently goes nonstop from Hammersmith Bridge Road (not on the 190) to Mortlake Cemetery.
I'm not sure if it counts, but 969 towards Roehampton Asda has a Hail and Ride section that ends at
Hail & Ride Selkirk Road, with the first bus stop after the Hail and Ride section being Marlow Crescent, giving 1.7 miles between potential places the bus could stop at.
The 492 ignores the St Clements Lane stop between Bluewater and Waterstone Park served by other local buses.

It was established perhaps five or six years ago, but it would seem news has not reached TfL Towers, as 492 is otherwise an "all stops" service.
I think the B14 between Queen Mary's Hospital and Kemnal Technology College may just be over 1 mile long.
...yes, that looks like about 1.4 miles (but less than half that as the crow flies)
The section between Saltbox Hill and Addington High School on the 464 is officially Hail and Ride. When I drove it under MB we did collect people along those roads that have come out the farms etc.
I rode that section of the 464 the day before yesterday, and no Hail and Ride description appears. After the stop at Saltbox Hill the next stop is Meridian High School.
My London has just published 'We found the shortest distance between two London bus stops and it takes just 15 seconds between them', but their niche bus content is alas incorrect.

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