please empty your brain below

'I said I wasn't going to make a habit of this, and I'm not, but I've ticked off two more.'

This from the guy who's visited every London postcode and has an unhealthy interest in number plates.

We all know that cluster of red crosses around Noak Hill is an offence to the black ticks.

The South Pole has been done, they know the source of the Nile, even Brian Blessed has climbed Everest - but every exit from London is one of the unique challenges, only you will know what is required and only you will get the quiet satisfaction of achieving it.
My old cycling haunts, when Wrightsbridge Road was entire. It’s good to see it again in fossil state. Also reminds me when my brother drove us in his minivan along the white corridor of Church Road after the snow plough had been through.
The very northernmost fringes of Havering have a lot to offer, as you've hinted. But it's nice to a bit of a secret, not just from the rest of Greater London but pretty much the rest of Essex as well
I mostly come here for the ‘truly irrelevant’ stuff.
This has tempted me to at least log all my exits from London.
I reckon you're actually on to something here. Boundary crossings invariably go, or historically went, somewhere useful.

Give it a couple more goes, if you continue to strike gold like this one then it's worth the effort.
"Even a remote nondescript country lane has its secrets"... And a little further west, again just outside the M25 is Spielplatz Naturist resort, opened in 1929 in Bricket Wood...

dg writes: Oakwood is inside the M25. And Bricket Wood is 26 miles west.
Sincerely, I'd enjoy reading such a series. I'd also be happy to send some money to you or a cause you promote, given the pleasure so many posts provide.
Agreeing with the first comment!
I bet you never intentionally set out to do many of the things you have completed, eg each ordnance square, but eventually a tipping point is reached where more are ticked than not and the compulsion to complete is too great to ignore!

Love the remoteness of today's post. Look forward to more.
Those of you urging me to complete the series probably haven't looked closely enough at a map.
Until today I reckoned that Knightsbridge was the only London street name with 6 consecutive consonants, but Google Maps, if you zoom right in, thinks Wrightsbridge Road - albeit reduced to a path - extends a few metres inside the M25. However OpenStreetMap disagrees. So I'm undecided.

dg writes: Having walked it, I can confirm this stump of a road doesn't enter London.
Last time I wrote about Dagnam Park I was taken to task by the webmaster of the FriendsofDagnamPark website who emailed to say...

"In the main you did a pretty good job. I have two minor complaints; one that we got no acknowledgement and two that one part paragraph is grossly inaccurate. I accept that you had a lot to take in and your synthesis of the data on our site was not bad."

I felt somewhat ashamed after that dressing down.

What I didn't realise at the time was that my complainant was a former Mayor of Havering. Rest in peace, Del.

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