please empty your brain below

Sounds like the people upstairs from the Heath Robinson cartoon of Flat Life, with all the ingenious machines for making noises ...

Unexpected inadequacy. DG Classic. Now staring at my own sellotape and glowing; I am adequate!

But you rent your place, right? I don't believe there's much point extravagantly furnishing a place you are only guaranteed to be in for a maximum of a year - you could end up with a new place which doesn't match any of your old furniture.

I can see two rolls of Sellotape from where I'm sitting. Perhaps we should start a support group?

Home is what you make of it.

Personally, I prefer a place to be a little bit untidy - it just makes it feel 'lived in'. It is frustrating when you get house-proud people who are annoyed when they find something out of place, and consequently won't let you touch anything when you visit, just in case you make their immaculate home look marginally untidy. Life's too short to worry about such trival matters!

I wonder if you'll ever get your Sellotape back?

How about throwing a swapping party?

Instead of the usual swapping of partners, you could swap sellotape, pens, envelopes, or any other items of stationery. Hours of fun !

Nightmare scenario: jammed up against neighbour in Tube, both of you thinking about - but not mentioning - sellotape.

DG you'd do well to take a tip from Mrs Doyle ... 'brick enlivens dull floor'

need I say more?

Yup - Sellotape on display as usual here too. I have v. elegant people coming over on Saturday - I'm prepared to live with their disappointment...

I have three sellotape dispensers handy in various rooms. And another half dozen different types in drawers. I think I have more stationery than WH Smith's central distribution store

it may be necessary to inform the fashion police

I never got the sellotape back.
I'm glad I read this far enough into the future to find out the final outcome.

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