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The Little Mermaid makes for a very nice photo opportunity, it's true, but people apparently needing to be photographed WITH The Little Mermaid makes it rather less magical. Plus, isn't she arguably facing the wrong way? I understood that, given the story, she should be looking out to sea and thinking about what she's given up to be on land, not facing the shore.
On my first visit to Copenhagen, the Little Mermaid had been vandalised the month before, and was not on display as it was being repaired (August 1984).
I finally got to see her in 1992.
I've had the pleasure of seeing the little Mermaid twice in two different countries - once in Copenhagen complete with lots of tourists and the other in Shanghai - For the Shanghai Expo back in 2010, they shipped her all the way over and I spotted her when I happened to be visiting at the time.

It boggled me that they did that!
You must have waited a while to get a picture of the mermaid without anyone else in the way
I am apparently one of the few who's been on a sightseeing bus tour. The guide was sardonically dismissive of the Little Mermaid, which seemed very Danish.
A delayed flight departure meant we did end up on a boat tour and (similiar to Jonathan's bus experience), the commentary was generally "sardonically dismissive" of most of the sights, which was entertaining.

My enduring impression of Copenhagen though was that it seemed a fantastically liveable city for all ages.
If you think getting an uninterupted picture of the Mermaid is difficult, try getting one of Molly Malone in Dublin.

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