please empty your brain below

Just suggestions for 1 and 2 today, please.
Anything higher than that, stick it in an email
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ONE used to be the name of our local National Express rail service but the confusion over tannoy messages led to a rebranding a few months ago. Yet again, station signs and trains are being repainted..

The S2 London bus, a Clapton and Bow fixture since 1970 is also being rebranded soon to the 425 and 488. Shame!

Continuing the postcode theme dg, No. 10 Downing Street is SW1A 2AA.

Why not include Zero in your list, giving us 0AA, the SW1A code for the House of Commons. Perplexingly, the House of Lords is SW1A 0PW.

John "TWO Jags" Prescott lived in ONE of three (sorry) Grace and Favour apartments in Admiralty House,Whitehall.

Surely in a post about numbers they will ALL be quantitative?

No, because the facts relating to the numbers are not concerned with, or measured by, quantity.

London is the number one city in the *EU*. Moscow is definitely in Europe, and larger. If you're splitting hairs about what is and isn't Europe, Istanbul might even push London into third.

Number I in Knife crime?????????

'We are Londoners, We are One' and 'Seven million Londoners, one London

Number one worst behaved?

I was also going to point out that London is definitely not the biggest city in Europe.

dg writes: OK, I've deleted that 'fact'.

London has Two very famous bridges, Tower Bridge and Millennium Bridge

Or perhaps three famous bridges if you include London Bridge? And four if you include Westminster Bridge...

I am so old I remember the old telephone number of Scotland Yard, which was Whitehall 1212.

(tried to post this yesterday but comments were down,

I once tried to register on a website my address as 1 (my actual house number) SW1A 1AA and it said 'postcode not recognised...'

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