please empty your brain below

For about the fourth February of asking, what is that mystery count measuring?!

DG is not going to tell us that - hmm, it might be number of times he has told people via this blog what the count is - always zero if this is the case!

Well we now know it is not "number of times taken home work".....

Or nights spent with girlfriend....

How do we get one of these invites DG? Is it something we can ask you for?

Kirk - see the Daytum homepage...

Daytum is currently in private beta.
Please submit your email address to receive an invitation as they are made available.

Pah, I saw that, but I didn't know if they were giving them out via members too.

Oh well, let's hope they dish some more out soon!

Thanks DG!

I love a bit of pointless counting. Its amazing what you find out!!!

PS The Count was always my fave - HA HA HA HAR

counting isn't pointless. the point of counting is to count. my problem with counting is that i get distracted & forget to keep track of what i'm counting, end up making up an attractive number, & end up with a lovely number which has no basis in reality.

I've promised myself an extra pint if the mystery count goes above zero this year. I wonder what the chances are?

Personally, I think the infamous mystery count is the number of miles DG has actually driven in London (considering he sold his car soon after he arrived in London from Suffolk, I think this is quite feasible).

Number of comments in February.... hmmm, rough guess without any research in the archives: I reckon that there will be 600 comments this month.

How many unique commenters in the month? This really would be a shot in the dark... 280?

Andrewh - but DG always seems so disappointed about the mystery count being zero. I know that could be to put us off the scent though...

Without a Creme Egg count, none of this can be accurate.

I did consider a Creme Egg count, but I suspected it wouldn't get above 5 and so wouldn't be very interesting.

You know, the Mystery Count could be the number of times DG has blogged about kittens.

Or the number of goals the Gooners got against us yesterday...Sorry DG.

Got that work done yet? :o)


Daytum - what a fantastic find!

Numbers all neatly lined up in charts and hosted online... too good. I need to go sit down for a little while.

Numbers leave me cold.
Count me out.

I'm only here for the beer...I mean count.

The Mystery Count isn't related to the Mystery Dance, by any chance? Not that you'll tell!

Arse. Not that I didn't enjoy the count last year- just shocked he's back so soon

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