please empty your brain below

I wish that last line would come true.
Thanks for starting my day with a giggle.
A very good blog post, the best blog post ever written actually. You have all the best words. Bigly.
<01.03PM Queen breathes sigh of relief and bans all further state visits by ignorant racists> after all, we have more than enough of our own home-grown ignorant racists.
Brilliant ! I chuckled on my covfefe and enjoyed the non-24 hour clock format on 6/3/19 (which is not in March).
Must have missed all your preceding posts when the many other - unlike Trump, not even democratically elected - bigoted & racist Heads of State visited London.

LOL covfefe!
At least David doesn't deny that Trump is an ignorant racist. Can someone who received fewer votes than his opponent be said to be "democratically elected"?

dg writes: Yes.
Love it.
Maybe the ban can go even further, e.g. extradition to the the Hague.
Only "three fluid ounces of glue"?

One of your best DG.
Loved it, great entry. Really brightened my day.

Lots of helicopters up and down the Lea Valley over the last few days but haven't spotted 'Budgie' today. I was rather hoping to see the V22 Ospreys variable rotor planes again. Big choice of golf courses round here.

Keep up the good work. Thanks
'12.15PM Break for Bargain Hunt' - A laugh out loud moment for me. Wonderful post
Good post though I don't think the Queen is that bothered by ignorant racists to be honest, she's married to one after all.
Doesn't Prince Charles look a bundle of joy in all the happy-snaps! I'm surprised he didn't call a sickie, but I suppose he's had good training with having to exchange pleasantries with Robert Mugabe.

It's all rather an apt case of chickens and roosting on May's last day of term. A nadir moment within a nadir moment for this nation.

Someone should have told the buffoon to listen to LBC if Fox wasn't available, instead of just moaning. Nige is on at 6, too.

I forgot about the great wall of Regents Park when I went that way to work this morning and had to divert when faced with 5 metres of big beautiful steel mesh. What a carry-on.
...makes one wonder what the Americans will think when PM Boris visits the US
We would probably welcome Boris ...after all he was born in New York
Your American style timings are awesome - but surely we should have “June 3, 2019 8:00 PM” for the banquet.
Utterly Brilliant!
I greatly enjoyed watching Londoners, young and old, rich and poor alike, flip the bird to a Blackhawk as it flew overhead. Just on the off chance.
Managed to miss all the kerfuffle here up Lunnon as we say in the West Country. I was somewhat bamboozled by the number of Hercules and gurt big choppers flying over the village day in and day out. As I had a pitchfork in my hand tidying up bedding in the barn, I rushed outside and shook it wilfully, just in case it was one of his clones, clan sorry, coming back from the timely closing of a car plant or such-like. Then I thought that it might be taxi services for D-day survivors so I doffed me cap for good measure.

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