please empty your brain below

Oh, and just to assure you that the survey is completely confidential, that I can't work out who voted what, and that no email spam will come your way as a result of clicking.

(Surveys never quite capture it all... chalk up one vote for living in London as 'living in London for slightly over half of the year' :D)

I have gone against my principles and answered this survey truthfully. Wouldn't do it for anyone else.

It will be interesting to hear how things have changed!

i only got as far as question 4 and then I was stumped - i'm bi! help, how do I answer that one for you?

i'm sure t'wasn't intentional, but i would prefer not to have to categorise myself as either straight or gay... any chance of you modifying the questionnaire?

dg writes: sorry Maria, too late to change it.

In order to be appropriately inclusive of human diversity I should of course have included several additional categories (bisexual, transgendered, living in a threesome, polygamous, none of the above) in various combinations, but I didn't. I note that 5 people have already chosen to not answer this question, so maybe I didn't include them either. But what do you expect from a cheap and cheerful survey?

There must be some mistake. I don't seem to have received my email confirming I've been entered into an exclusive draw to win a Toshiba laptop.

Answered this one...

Told the Census Bureau where to go...


DG Surveys ... guaranteed spam-free!

You missed:

Daddy or chips?

[] Daddy
[] Chips
[] You insensitive dog! You know my father died in a bizarre spacehopper/chip shop accident last year

Are you trying to find out if you have a 'World Class' blog, DG?

I cheated a bit - I put myself as 'London' even though I should have voted 'the deepest, darkest corner of Hertfordshire that is as close to London as you can get without actually being within the M25' .

I work for the Census Bureau. It always feels weird answering questions instead of asking them. A note to hippykid - getting told where to go is a routine part of the job.

I always read your Blog, it`s full of great infomation for a visitor to London.

DG: no worries. I know, it's hard to be inclusive of everyone! Didn't realise just ignoring one question was an option... that's ok then!
PS am feeling pedantic... am sure technically speaking being poly or in a threesome counts as being couple :o) and i hope i've not just offended someone else by saying that...

Why have I changed from "Often" to "Occasional"?

Too much London stuff, mate. sorry

: (

You mean there was a time when dg didn't blog about the greatest city in the world (and that is meant most sincerely)?

Hmm - still not much chance of pulling in this here comment box then!

To Marc, yes, London has probably featured from the start but that's the point: I now switch off when I see yet more London posts. Remainder is of interest, though. There really is more to lfe than London. Pity Londoners can't see that. No offence meant to DG who does leave for the Provinces occasionally : )

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