please empty your brain below

I'm commenting using the new Blogger Scheduled comment publishing. With it, I can comment on a blog posting, not only before the posting appears on a blog, but even before the blogger has written it.

This comment was made on 26 April 1983. All I have to do now is find out what the word 'blog' will mean in 25 year time.

I would have commented while I was asleep, but I woke up.

The temptation to shout "Shut up!!! We're trying to sleep in here!!" is overwhelming. But it's 4 o'clock in the afternoon here in sunny Brisbane.

I'm disappointed. It's like the magician explaining how he got a rabbit to pop out of an empty top-hat.

Hope you'll still be able to get up without the call of the blog post!

So the rip in the time-space continuum is your fault then?

Watch for updates throughout the day...

Do I detect slight author disinterest since the events of last week? Not staying up to publish... whatever next?

All this technology is OK, but I bet you were awake at 04:02 and couldn't resist "just checking" if everything had functioned like it should..

I assumed you'd always done this! How else have you managed to post at such rounded times? :S

thanks very much for mentioning me,

For whatever reason, I've always tried to publish my new day's post around midnight, this new feature is a real boon. I haven't quite gotten over the slightly guilty feeling that goes along with using the post publishing option, and not having anything to do last thing at night.

I'm with Red Dalek. I can't believe you've always been so well organised to be sitting with your finger poised over the Enter button at all those utterly unrandom times.

Not that I'm calling you a liar, or anything...

A yes but whats realy clever is im not reading your blog now im reading it later, much later!!!!!!!!!!!

Hmmm - I'm sorely tempted to use this new feature (and probably will) but it still feels a bit like cheating to me... in a strange way I want people to know that I'm sitting at my PC when that RSS feed updates with a new post

But doesn't scheduled post publishing now make it all too easy to post exactly on the hour? I suppose being able to modify timestamps in posts has the same effect as well.

I usually write my blog weeks in advance and then 'park' the item at 31 December. At least this feature stops me from publishing material by mistake.

And now I can go on holiday, and STILL BLOG.

It's been possible since 2003 to tweak the timestamp underneath a Blogger blogpost. What's new is the ability to make posts appear automatically at any time.

I noticed this a few days ago, because I sometimes blog a new entry slightly before the start of the next day. And then all of a sudden it started holding them back, with a yellow warning.

Contrary to the update that scheduled posting was working as of 11 a.m. June 6, it is still not working as of 12:57 a.m. June 7. Any idea when it will be fixed?


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