please empty your brain below

2 questions:

- What's a "continuous cough"?

- Given all that happened in the last 7 days, what's the situation going to be like this time next week? I fear things will get a lot worse before they get any better.
Trump gives press conference full of fake news
Well this is going to be a depressing series.
The day after the 'Many more families...' comment by the PM, my local supermarket was cleared of pasta and tins, this hadn't happen prior to this comment, it was just hand sanitiser and toilet rolls that they were short of, a friend of mine had trouble finding a parking space at a 24hr superstore at 1 o'clock in the morning.

People with elderly relatives don't want them to die, even though most that do had underlying medical conditions anyway, but never underestimate the importance of looking as though you are taking action, even if rational thought says otherwise.
I'm now pondering whether DG is going to produce another Decision Tree of Doom for us (like the Trump/Brexit one) on the topic of Coronavirus.

I'm sure it would be terrifying and interesting. But I think I'll need to metaphorically hide behind the sofa and watch through my fingers.
There were plenty of empty seats around me on the tube in the morning peak yesterday and I travelled on a very empty Intercity train today. Sadly, they had still issued all the seats with 'reserved' slips.

I'm ok with the great bog roll panic. Kitchen roll is more useful for drying hands in shared washing spaces, and there doesn't seem to be much of a run on that.
Next week is going to be insane.
Here's how I see it: Spanish flu infected perhaps 500 million people (25% of the world population) and killed perhaps 50 to 100 million. Thankfully, this does not appear to be as bad as that. If we are lucky, it might be like the Asian flu of the 1950s, or Hong Kong flu of the 1960s, each of which killed a million or so people worldwide.

The UK government is talking about this infecting 60% of the UK's population, say 35 million, and it might kill something between 1% and 5% of them, depending on how badly our health service is overwhelmed in the next month or two. At the lower end, that is "only" 350,000 people, so about half the number that normally die over 12 months. At the top end it might be 1.5 million people, perhaps more, mainly older people or those with other health vulnerabilities.

The 20 deaths in the UK so far probably indicate high hundreds to low thousands of mainly undetected cases two weeks ago, doubling roughly every 3 days. If the measures we are taking right now are effective to stop it spreading, it is going to take at least two weeks to get to a peak.

Spain or Italy show where this could go within a matter of days. And God help the US.
Severe reduction in overpopulated human population should do wonders for 'climate emergency' targets.
I think I may abandon my 'healthy' low-fat, low-salt, restricted alcohol diet.

What's the point?
As no one seems to have listened to Corporal Jones, in the words of Private Frazer: "We're doomed! We're doomed!"
May the virus not reach you, so we can continue to read your blog during our recommended over-70s self isolation. Good health and many thanks for the blog.
The panic buying is exponential, 'monkey see, monkey do'. I now need to visit three branches of Sainsbury simply to find items I need for normal everyday use.

I can't now buy two of anything, even if I normally do, for the silent and less so 'tuts' coming vocally and visually. The Fulham Sands End Sainsbury branch yesterday looked like a bunch of human locusts had descended. Shelf after shelf empty, with frustrated shoppers taking photos and selfies.

This madness is media hype and misunderstanding, the story believed more than facts. Who the heck needs SIX packets of pasta, or two packs of sixteen toilet rolls?
A local shop appears to have bought as much hand sanitiser as possible and is selling it at a minimum of £15 for two bottles.
Regarding good old Corona, I saw an interview with a guy called Micheal Osterholm… medical researcher…

A good analogy as I thought ( ive been avoiding the press and not watching tv) that its a 'blizzard and it will pass in a few weeks'.

Looks like that is not the case.
the great thing about panic-buying is that it stops others from doing it.
Who needs six packets of pasta and two 16 packs of toilet roll?

I don't know how many of DG's readers are in households of one or two people, but our a household of five people - two parents and three ravenous teenagers - can get through quite a lot of pasta quite quickly. At normal rates of consumption, we might eat six packets of pasta in three weeks. We don't need 32 toilet rolls all at once, but we would buy that many when they are on offer, and that would last us a fair time. We have have started one 16 pack and have another in storage, bought at the same time a few weeks ago, before the panic set in. Just saying. I hope the panic will have subsided by the time we need to replenish.

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